Description of the attraction
The State Museum of L. N. Tolstoy includes: the main Literary exposition on Prechistenka in the center of Moscow, Tolstoy's Estate in Khamovniki, Tolstoy Center on Pyatnitskaya, Memorial at Astapovo station in Lipetsk region and a cultural and educational center in Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory …
The exposition, telling about the life and work of Leo Tolstoy, is located in the house of the Lopukhins-Stanitskaya. The wooden building was built in 1817 by the architect A. G. Grigoriev and is an architectural monument of the early 19th century. Moscow was built up with similar houses after the fire of 1812. The ceremonial rooms with plafond painting are arranged in a suite. The facade is decorated with white columns and bas-reliefs. A house with an outbuilding and a small courtyard is a typical example of the construction of a noble city manor.
The Leo Tolstoy State Museum is one of the oldest museums in Russia. On the initiative of the Tolstoy Society, the writer's museum was founded in 1911. Outstanding cultural figures of that time participated in the creation of the museum: I. A. Bunin, V. V. Veresaev, V. Ya. Bryusov, A. A. Bakhrushin, A. M. Gorky, L. O. Pasternak, K. S. Stanislavsky, V. I. Nemirovich - Danchenko, A. A. Yablochkina, as well as Tolstoy's wife and his children. In their opinion, the museum was supposed to serve the cause of enlightenment and present in its entirety the extraordinary personality of the writer, its development to future generations. Initially, the museum existed on a voluntary basis, and in 1920 the museum received the status of a state one.
In our time, the Leo Tolstoy Museum is the custodian of the unique heritage of the writer, as well as documents and various materials related to his life and work. The museum collection contains more than 400 thousand items closely related to Leo Tolstoy and his family. The museum conducts scientific work on the study of the writer's creativity.
Since 1981, the house on Pyatnitskaya has been attached to the museum. The building of the Tolstovsky Center on Pyatnitskaya is an architectural monument of the late 18th century. It was built in 1789-1795. At one time, young Leo Tolstoy lived in one of a number of buildings, which included this house, together with his sister Maria Nikolaevna and her children. It was here that the already famous writer was visited by A. N. Ostrovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, B. N. Chicherin, A. A. Fet and the Aksakov brothers. Here Tolstoy wrote the story "The Cossacks" and the stories "Three Deaths" and "Albert".
In February 1985, a branch of the museum was opened in the building. Many wonderful exhibitions have taken place here, including “Tolstoy and Tolstoy. Family Chronicle "," L. N. Tolstoy in Moscow "," S. A. Tolstaya. On the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer's wife”and many other exhibitions.
The Memorial building at Astapovo station was built in 1889 - 90. This is a typical station building. The last days of Leo Tolstoy's life passed in the house of the station chief. Here he died in November 1910. From here the funeral cortege set off to the burial place in Yasnaya Polyana.
In 2010, an exposition dedicated to Tolstoy's spiritual quest was opened at the memorial. After all, he showed himself equally talented in literary creativity, philosophy, pedagogy, and religion. The exposition is designed to express all the drama and greatness of the last days of Leo Tolstoy's life.