Eixample district (L'Eixample) description and photos - Spain: Barcelona

Eixample district (L'Eixample) description and photos - Spain: Barcelona
Eixample district (L'Eixample) description and photos - Spain: Barcelona
Eixample district
Eixample district

Description of the attraction

Barcelona's Eixample district starts at Plaza Catalunya and includes a large stretch of what is called the heart of modern Barcelona. The idea of the architect Ildefons Cerd was to create a garden city based on squares of streets that intersect perpendicularly, with interior spaces in each block designed for their residents to spend their leisure hours there. Beginning in 1890, the Catalan bourgeoisie took a fancy to this area, which began to be built up with beautiful houses and thus turned into the best architectural ensemble in the Art Nouveau style, the most luxurious and, undoubtedly, the most colorful in the city.

The main artery of the quarter is Diagonal Street, which cuts across the entire district. The most famous quarter is Manzana de la Discordia (exact translation from Spanish "apple of discord", it is also called "quarter of disharmony"). Here are located the masterpieces of the Art Nouveau era, included in all architectural encyclopedias.

The house of Lleo Morera was built in 1902-1906 by the architect Luis Domenech y Montaner. The facade is decorated with ornaments, sculptures and carved columns. The magnificent decoration of the second floor of the house has survived.

House Amatlier is the creation of another architect of the Modern era, Pucha y Cadafalka. The facade of the house harmoniously combines features of the Gothic and Moorish styles. Note the intricate balcony lanterns, the carvings on the bay window, and the sculptural groups around the doors.

House of Batlló is the creation of Gaudí. Its façade has characteristic rounded shapes, the walls are tiled, and the raised balconies with eye-shaped holes are like carnival masks. The hunchbacked roof, covered with tiles, according to the architect's idea, embodies the image of a dragon, and the unusual shape of the chimney embodies the image of St. George.

Mila House is another masterpiece by Antoni Gaudi. The six-story house looks like a huge rock, windows and doors resemble grottoes, wrought-iron balconies are made in the form of fantastic plants. This house is also called "La Pedrera" ("Quarry"). In one of the apartments of the house, a kind of museum of life of the Art Nouveau era is arranged. You can go up to the roof.

The House of Terrades, designed by the architect Pucha y Cadafalki, is also called the House of Pins and needles because of the six sharp towers at the corners of the building. The style of the house combines Gothic and Renaissance features. Typical for Art Nouveau is the combination of red brick and lighter stone, from which a carved floral ornament is made on the facade.

