Architectural complex in the District description and photos - Russia - Central district: Kineshma

Architectural complex in the District description and photos - Russia - Central district: Kineshma
Architectural complex in the District description and photos - Russia - Central district: Kineshma
Architectural complex in Zarechye
Architectural complex in Zarechye

Description of the attraction

The architectural complex in Zarechye (across the Kineshemka River) is represented by three churches - the Transfiguration of the Savior, the Assumption and the Nativity of Christ.

The Savior Transfiguration Church was built in 1694 by the townsman Lavrenty Danilovich Tyurin. One of the chapels was added at the expense of the parishioners in 1790, and the second - at the expense of Lieutenant-Commander Kupriyanov in 1898.

The Assumption Church was built in 1747, and next to it the Nativity of Christ (winter) Church - in 1754. These architectural monuments have survived to our time in a greatly altered form. Only the entrance, fortified by four columns, and the domed ceiling are well preserved. The top of the main building of the building ends with two tapered octahedral belts.

On the market square there is a stone Exaltation of the Cross chapel, erected in 1744 at the expense of the townspeople. Earlier, the defenders of the city, who died in battles with the troops of the Polish invaders in 1609, were buried in mass graves at this place. A wooden chapel was erected here, which was replaced by the current one. It is covered with a four-pitched roof with a strongly extended cornice and topped with a stone octagonal tent. Unfortunately, the fresco painting of the walls and vaults has not survived.

