Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum (Museo Arqueologico y Etnologico de Cordoba) description and photos - Spain: Cordoba

Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum (Museo Arqueologico y Etnologico de Cordoba) description and photos - Spain: Cordoba
Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum (Museo Arqueologico y Etnologico de Cordoba) description and photos - Spain: Cordoba
Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum
Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum

Description of the attraction

The Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum is located in Cordoba on Piazza Jerónimo Paes in the building of the former palace of Paes de Castillejo.

As is often the case with institutions of this kind, the Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum of Cordoba has changed its location several times throughout its history. Initially, the Museum was a collection of antiquities collected from objects confiscated from monasteries and is part of the Museum of Fine Arts of Cordoba. The first "home" of the museum collections was the College of the Assumption, then in 1849 they moved to the premises of the County Council¸ and from 1861 all the museum's expositions were moved to the building of the Charitable Hospital. Since 1920, the Museum has been located in the Plaza de San Juan. In 1987, the Archaeological Museum, with the assistance of Anna Maria Vicente Zaragoza, moved to the Palais de Paesa de Castillejo, where it is located to this day.

With the conduct of new excavations, research and replenishment of museum collections, it became necessary to expand the exhibition space. As part of the city's program, a competition was held in 1998 to design a new building to expand the museum, which was won by the architectural and engineering group IDOM.

To date, the collections of the Archaeological Museum of Cordoba, which show artifacts from different time periods, starting with the history of the Ancient World, are the most complete in all of Spain. On the basis of the museum, there is a library specializing in books and publications devoted to archeology.

