Description of the attraction
As you know, the Netherlands has very specific legislation regarding soft drugs: they are illegal, but their use is not prosecuted. In Amsterdam, there are many so-called "coffee shops" - establishments that sell marijuana. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that it was in Amsterdam that the Hemp Museum appeared. The museum is located in the de Wallen red light district. The museum exposition tells about hemp, the history of its cultivation and a wide variety of uses. As you know, hemp is used not only in medicine or religion, it is of great industrial importance. It is known that people have been growing hemp for centuries, its fibers are one of the strongest plant fibers in the world, and from ancient times until the 19th century, hemp was the second most used material in shipbuilding - right after wood. Hemp was the main material for the production of ropes and ropes. Hemp fibers are now used in the textile and footwear industries.
The museum also talks about the medicinal uses of cannabis, both in the past and in the present. Many of the substances contained in this plant have not yet been fully understood.
Here you can learn about what cannabis is used for food. Hemp seeds are used in a wide variety of foods, both by themselves and as a side ingredient. Separately, it tells about the benefits and unique qualities of hemp oil. (However, in Russia this was known a long time ago).
The museum has a small garden where you can see how hemp grows. In total, the museum has about 6,000 exhibits, and one of the most unusual exhibits is the Bible in Dutch, made in 1836 from hemp.