- Attractions of Kostroma
- Where to go with children in Kostroma
- What to bring from Kostroma
- Where to eat in Kostroma
Kostroma is a wonderful Volga city located just 350 km from Moscow. The city bears the status of a "historical settlement" and is always included in the "Golden Ring of Russia". Kostroma is the "cradle" of the Romanovs' house, because it was here, in the Ipatiev Monastery, that Mikhail Romanov was elected to the Russian throne. It was from Kostroma that Ivan Susanin was born, whose famous feat largely preserved the Russian statehood. Kostroma is also the official residence of Snegurochka, an amazing number of interesting "fabulous" museums, and the only elk farm in Russia. At the same time, Kostroma is a very quiet and cozy city, stretching on both banks of the Volga, which within the city borders is as much as 600 meters wide. All this makes Kostroma an ideal destination for weekend trips, especially with children. But it is better to take care of the hotel in advance.
The most popular way to get to Kostroma is, of course, by rail. Moscow and Kostroma are connected by a daily train, which departs from the Yaroslavsky railway station at about eleven in the evening and arrives in the Volga city at five in the morning. You can also get to Kostroma by rail with a change in Yaroslavl. Express "Moscow - Yaroslavl" runs three times a day, and "Yaroslavl - Kostroma" twice a day. A great opportunity to see the sights of Yaroslavl along the way. From St. Petersburg, the train leaves from the Moscow railway station every evening. The train arrives in Kostroma at 9 am. From St. Petersburg, fans of the aircraft industry can be advised to use the services of the "Kostroma Aviation Enterprise", the flights are operated by AN-24 aircraft.
By car from Moscow you will get to Kostroma in about 5 hours along the Yaroslavskoe highway, from St. Petersburg - in 12 hours (distance is about 900 km), but in this case it makes sense to look into other cities of the Golden Ring.
The cheapest option to get to Kostroma is by bus. There are flights from Shchelkovsky bus station every two hours from early morning to late evening. In addition, the bus service connects Kostroma with all nearby cities - Yaroslavl, Vologda, Ivanovo and Vladimir.
The climate in Kostroma is quite mild, which allows you to visit the city almost all year round. However, be prepared for high humidity (around 80%) and biting winds in the off-season. In summer, the weather allows you to sunbathe on the Volga beaches, and in winter - enjoy the snow fun.
Attractions of Kostroma

There are two main versions of where the name of the city came from. The first of them connects the name with the Finno-Ugric word "kostrum" - "fortress". The second - with the name of a pagan holiday in honor of Yarilo, which was called "Kostroma". The second option seems more plausible.
The date of foundation of the city is considered to be 1152, although no written confirmation of this has been found. For a long time there was no information about the city, until 1613, when Mikhail Romanov (and Kostroma and the land around it belonged to their family) agreed to "sit" on the Russian throne. Since then, Kostroma has become known as the birthplace of the Russian imperial house.
- The Ipatiev Monastery is one of the main attractions of Kostroma. It was built at the end of the 13th century at the confluence of the Kostroa River with the Volga. It was here that Mikhail Romanov was crowned the kingdom, here one of the most important pages in the history of the country began.
- The Epiphany Anastasiin Monastery is another of the must-visit "points of interest" in Kostroma. It is here that the famous miraculous Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, revered throughout Russia, is kept, patronizing family values. The monastery itself is closed for visiting laity, however, you can get to the church to touch the icon.
- The Church of the Resurrection on Debra is the only city temple of the 17th century that has survived in Kostroma, which is exactly 14 equal to almost completely burned out. The church has an interesting design and original appearance, which makes it akin to Scandinavian mythology. It has 12 green domes, and the entrance is guarded by mythical monsters.
- Walking along the Volga embankment, you will definitely pay attention to the white round pavilion of classical architecture, here called "Ostrovsky's pavilion". She is famous for the fact that she "starred" in the film "Dowry" based on the play of the same name by Ostrovsky.
- One of the symbols of Kostroma is a fire tower on the central square of the city - Susaninskaya. The fact is that by the end of the 18th century Kostroma managed to burn out almost to the ground 14 times. Therefore, in 1773, a stone building of a fire station was built in the classical style with a portico and columns, which housed fire engines, rest rooms for staff, and at the top of the tower at a height of 35 meters there was always a duty officer. The tower is recognized as a national treasure. Now it houses a firefighting museum.
- Another interesting museum worth visiting in Kostroma is the Flax and Birch Bark Museum, created by local enthusiasts. In the museum, you can see linen clothes and birch bark shoes, which most of the population of Russia wore. They will immediately show you how to get a thread from flax, and at the master class you can try to do it yourself. In the next room you can learn how to make various dishes from birch bark. Be sure to check out your local gift shop!
- Many people know that Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug. But his granddaughter Snegurochka settled in Kostroma. Here you will be greeted by a whole fabulous residence, where among the wooden houses with carved windows and playful inscriptions on the index stones, you will find the high Terem. You will be greeted by the Snow Maiden herself, together with her assistants - the cat Bayun and a couple of brownies. You will see a puppet show, try a loaf and find yourself in a real ice cave, where the temperature is kept at minus 14 degrees all year round. Do not worry, the sheepskin coat and felt boots will also be given to you.
- The only memorial museum of the Romanov dynasty in Russia is located in Kostroma.
- Sumarokovskaya moose farm is a unique place. Moose began to be domesticated here back in 1963, and the first moose calf was born in the 1970s. Elks are studied here and they will gladly give you an excursion, where they will tell you about the life of the elk and even allow you to feed them with carrots. Sumarokovskaya moose farm is the only place in Russia where moose are milked, whose milk has a lot of useful properties. By the way, you can try it.
Where to go with children in Kostroma
Kostroma is a great place for traveling with children. There is entertainment for children of all ages. Be sure to check out the Snow Maiden. In the "Fairy Land of the Snow Maiden" you will be told her story, you will see the outfits of the granddaughter of Santa Claus, and you will also learn what the Snow Maiden does during "off-duty" hours. You can also visit the Residence and the Terem of the Snow Maiden.
The Museum "Les-Wizard" tells about the history of various fairy-tale characters, and also presents a variety of wood crafts. In the Petrovskaya Toy Museum, the smallest tourists will be happy to watch a puppet show and try to make a whistle.
Schoolchildren will be interested in visiting the village of Susanino, where the Susaninsky Museum of Local Lore is located, which tells in detail about the exploit of Ivan Susanin. There is also a memorial stone near the swamps.
Other interesting places worth noting are the attractions of Nikitsky Park, the Museum of Wooden Architecture and the Sumarokovskaya Elk Farm.
What to bring from Kostroma
There are several popular souvenirs that are directly related to Kostroma. This, of course, is the Snow Maiden and her various images. Then birch bark and kitchen utensils from it. You can buy wonderful handmade berry or milk cups. In Kostroma, the manufacture of linen fabric and clothing is still flourishing. You will not find such quality anywhere in Russia.
It is worth paying attention to the Petrovskaya clay toy, which was born in the local village of Petrovskoye. These are figures of animals, birds, red clay whistles covered with dark green glaze. The Kostroma school of wood painting is easily distinguishable from the rest - by the combination of red with earthy ocher, with spaces, an ornamental motif of intertwining flowers - rose trees.
In addition, cheese making is very developed in Kostroma. Cheese "Kostromskoy" and "Susaninsky" are included in the top hundred of the best products in Russia.
Where to eat in Kostroma
Kostroma is included in the "Golden Ring of Russia", therefore tourists are not uncommon here, and local catering establishments delight with their diversity. Although you can't get away from globalization and you will see Italian-Japanese establishments on the streets, the tone for Kostroma public catering is set by Russian cuisine, which they love and know how to cook here. You can have a tasty, satisfying and inexpensive snack in the "Hot with the Heat" bakery chain, where excellent pies are made by hand and strong tea is brewed. You can dine in the Susanin-House cafe with excellent Russian cuisine and a children's room, and without children - in the Svoi da Nashi beer restaurant, where there is a counter of the drunk foam on each table, and on the menu there are various snacks for beer, like a meter sausages or kebabs on a poker.
While in Kostroma, you will certainly want to plunge into the atmosphere of old merchant taverns, highly desirable with a view of the Volga. On the very landing stage, from where the Swallow departs in Ryazanov's Bespidanitsa, there is the Staraya Pristan restaurant, which lovingly recreates the atmosphere of a merchant town. Sterlet, duck with apple, twisted quails and fried pike perch and all this accompanied by gypsy romances. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed.
At the Kupecheskiy Dvorik restaurant you can taste real Olivier - with red caviar, crayfish tails and hazel grouses. Cafe "Alegria" pleases the taste with real Russian pickles and salmon soup with pies, and in the restaurant "Slavyansky", perhaps, the best baked Volga sterlet.