State Philharmonic Society of the Kostroma region description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma

State Philharmonic Society of the Kostroma region description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma
State Philharmonic Society of the Kostroma region description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma
State Philharmonic of the Kostroma Region
State Philharmonic of the Kostroma Region

Description of the attraction

One of the attractions of the city of Kostroma is the State Philharmonic Society, which was formed according to the order of the USSR Ministry of Culture in 1961. Since 1970, the Kostroma Philharmonic has been included in the list of the best among all cities in Russia. Some of the most outstanding masters of art performed here, including: Gilels E., Bashkirov D., Rostropovich M., Klimov V., Obraztsova E., Magomayev M., Pakhmutova A., as well as great conductors: Kalinin N., Kolobov E., Nekrasov M. and some others.

In modern times, the Kostroma Philharmonic includes several creative professional groups: the Folk Instrumental Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra, the Academic Chamber Choir, the Ballet Troupe and the Jazz Quartet.

As for the form of working with the audience, the Philharmonic uses a subscription system, as well as a system of inviting world-renowned performers and the promotion of traditional classical music. Various groups of the Philharmonic Society go on tour in many cities of Russia, as well as travel abroad. The hall of the Kostroma Philharmonic includes 450 seats, has excellent acoustics and is equipped with the most modern sound and light equipment.

One of the outstanding collectives is the Governor's Symphony Orchestra, which was created in the spring of 2007 with the support of the Kostroma Governor. During the first year of its fruitful activity, the orchestra was able to prepare a large number of concert programs, including the best examples of Russian and Western European classics. A distinctive feature of the team has become a high professionalism, which determined its popularity not only in the city, but also in the region. He works closely with the orchestra with the Academic Chamber Choir, creating new interesting projects.

The main director and artistic director of the State Folk Instrumental Orchestra is the Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ivanovich Sorozhkin. The team consists of 25 people dressed in black formal suits. As for musical instruments, the team uses: domras, balalaikas, flutes, button accordions and many others. The orchestra at a decent level presents to the general public the true talent of the Russian Kostroma land, even abroad.

The Philharmonic has a ballet troupe, the choreographer of which is Loginov Evgeny Methodievich. The creation of the troupe took place in 2006. Evgeny Methodievich's extraordinary talent is manifested in the skillful combination of images and symbols: inseparable and different, plastically musical, as well as transmitted using the language of dance. The ballet collaborates with Leonid Yakobson and Boris Eifman.

The jazz quartet works under the direction of Mikhail Zhurakov, a laureate of many jazz festivals, as well as a talented musician and author of programs about jazz. The ensemble has been operating for over ten years, and during its work has carried out a large number of interesting programs, ranging from blues to fusion. The work of the jazz ensemble is based on fruitful cooperation with leading jazzmen: David Goloschekin, Angelica Markova, Beyz August.

The Academic Chamber Choir was created in 2004, and its director was Alexey Melkov, a talented director and laureate of the Russian Conducting Competition. The collective is distinguished by a high level of professionalism, as well as by the rapid development of various areas of choral art. The repertoire of the collective is constantly updated and includes spiritual and secular works of foreign and Russian composers of the 15-21 centuries. For the entire creative period of its activity, the chamber choir received the highest score from professionals, including: M. Annamedov - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, V. Semenyuk - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and L. Popova - Honored Art Worker. The choir collaborates with various creative groups of Kostroma and the theater from Moscow "New Opera".

