Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic Society description and photos - Ukraine: Zhytomyr

Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic Society description and photos - Ukraine: Zhytomyr
Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic Society description and photos - Ukraine: Zhytomyr
Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic
Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic

Description of the attraction

One of the unique cultural and historical monuments of the 18th century in the city of Zhytomyr is the regional philharmonic society, which is located at Pushkinskaya street, 26. The building in which the Zhytomyr regional philharmonic society is located was erected in 1858. At that time, it belonged to the theater, the initiator of which was a public figure and the famous Polish playwright Y. Kraszewski. He was also the artistic director of the theater and the author of a number of plays. At that time, the theater building was deservedly recognized as one of the best in the whole country.

A native of the city of Zhytomyr, the famous writer Lev Nikulin spoke very positively about the theater, which at the moment was the Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic. The Regional Philharmonic Society was founded in 1938 as a concert institution. In 1944, the Philharmonic Society received the status of the "Regional State Philharmonic".

Over the years of its existence, quite a lot of famous actors have performed within the walls of the building of the Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic. Among them is the Ukrainian troupe of M. Kropyvnytsky and M. Staritsky, as well as M. Zankovetskaya, I. Karpenko-Kary and N. K. Sadovsky. Today, the Philharmonic Society is working: Polesie song and dance ensemble "Lenok", the choir chapel "Oreya", the trio of bandura players "Rosava", the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Drevlyane", the trio of accordionists "Harmony", the piano trio "Amabile", soloists - vocalists and instrumental soloists, as well as the Blues Constellation pop ensemble.

The Zhytomyr Regional Philharmonic Society constantly pleases its spectators with regular invitations of famous troupes of actors who stage interesting performances. Most recently, the premises of the regional philharmonic society were reconstructed, after which it became the center of the cultural life of the region.

