Spring in the southern capital is as beautiful as it is fleeting: only timid primroses were replaced by slender rows of scarlet tulips, as the thermometer jumped sharply above 20 degrees. The first thunderous spring rain has already wetted the streets, having nailed to the ground the pink petals of the blossoming perches (this is how the apricot is called in Rostov-on-Don). Slender poplars covered their winter nakedness with fragrant green leaves. Lilacs and chestnuts are about to bloom, and in a couple of weeks the city streets will be enveloped in the sweet smell of lindens and the dope of numerous white acacias. May in Rostov-on-Don is a magical time for walking.
In order to compose the optimal route for yourself and your friends, it will be useful to study the pages of the tourist portal of the city of Rostov-on-Don in advance, read the colorful multi-page guidebooks that are posted there. For those who are ready to move in a group of 5 to 15 people with a knowledgeable guide, we want to tell you about several guaranteed excursions from local tour operators. On average, a sightseeing bus tour will take 2, 5-3 hours, excluding visits to museums, and the cost will be from 500 to 700 rubles.
The sightseeing tour "Rostov-city, Rostov-Don" will tell you what way the city went from Temernitskaya customs, established in 1749 by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, to the present, why Rostov-on-Don is called "the gates of the Caucasus", "the port of five seas". Tourists will take a walk along the beautiful embankment, visit the main squares of Rostov, see the main city cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and merchant mansions of unusual architecture, visit memorial complexes dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.
The excursion "Two cities by the same river" will take tourists through the historical center of two once independent cities - Rostov-on-Don and Nakhichevan-on-Don, which grew and developed side by side for almost two centuries and became a single whole under the name of Rostov- on-Don only at the beginning of 1928. You will see religious buildings belonging to different confessions, you will be able to visit the Museum of Russian-Armenian Friendship.
Even an independent walk along the central streets of Rostov-on-Don is equivalent to visiting an open-air museum. The main buildings along Bolshaya Sadovaya began to be built during the construction boom, which came to the southern city at the end of the 19th century due to the development of the port and railways. In the "Russian Chicago", as Rostov-on-Don was jokingly called in those days, the most original projects of the best architects were embodied.
A tour of Soviet architecture will tell you about the buildings of Rostov-on-Don with a long history: the Rostov State Musical Theater, designed in the form of a white grand piano with an open lid, the Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after V. I. M. Gorky in the form of a tractor - a building of the Soviet era.
Literature lovers will be interested in a visit to the "Sholokhov Center" - the M. A. Sholokhov, located in the old mansion House of the Martyn brothers, in the center of the former fortress of St. Demetrius of Rostov.
Those who are haunted by city secrets will be interested in the author's excursion "Adventurers of old Rostov". For 2, 5 hours of walking through the atmospheric courtyards of the city, you will learn several Rostov legends, and the heroes of the excursion narration will be "gentlemen of fortune", detectives, noble inhabitants, initiators of dangerous expeditions, adventurers, apologists of good and evil.
If you came to Rostov-on-Don with schoolchildren, it will be useful to include a visit to the historical park "Russia is my history" in the program. This large-scale multimedia complex, created with the latest technology, is located on the territory of the city park of culture and recreation named afterNikolay Ostrovsky and allows you to panoramic, bright and interesting tell visitors the 1000-year history of our country from ancient times to the present.
Not so long ago, a unique Cultural and Exhibition Center of DSTU "Don Cossack Guard" appeared in Rostov-on-Don, the second such museum can be visited only in France. The museum acquaints visitors with several hundred exhibits that preserve the great history of the Life Guards of the Don Cossack Regiment - about Cossack Guardsmen, bodyguards of Russian emperors. The duration of the excursion to the Museum of the Don Cossack Guard will be 1.5 hours, and at the end everyone can taste freshly brewed Cossack coffee.
The details of the routes can be found on the city's tourist portal and on the website of the tourist information center.