The sea in shanghai

The sea in shanghai
The sea in shanghai
photo: Sea in Shanghai
photo: Sea in Shanghai
  • Features of the sea and ecology
  • Shanghai beaches
  • Flora and fauna

Shanghai is the largest port in the world and the largest city on the planet, on whose territory more than a dozen dwarf states could fit. The city of glass and concrete mixed with national houses and pagodas cannot but attract tourists. Skyscrapers, temples, museums and, of course, the sea in Shanghai are just a few things that this super metropolis is rich in.

Shanghai is partly located on the coast of the East China (or South China) Sea, although its main territory grew up on the banks of the Huangpu and Yangtze rivers flowing into the sea. Eastern Paris, as enthusiastic fans call it vying with guidebooks, lies in a humid subtropical climate zone, which means cool and mild winters and hot summers with showers.

Snowfalls are frequent in Shanghai during the winter, which are held back by a suitable temperature, prudently dropping to just below freezing. In summer, the giant city languishes from 30-35 degree heat, periodically interrupted by rains.

The sea water temperature in different winter months is 7-16 °, in summer it rises to 27-28 °. But do not let this reassure you - swimming in the sea in Shanghai is not very promising and here's why.

Features of the sea and ecology

The East China Sea is characterized by shallow waters and uneven relief. It is characterized by shoals, banks, depth drops, reefs and rocks. The tides here are quite significant, semi-daily and reach 7.5 meters. Waves near the coast are almost invisible, at depth they are quite strong. The picture is completed with a deep brown water. How else could it be in the world's largest port?

There is no talk at all about the transparency of the water, and a muddy slurry awaits you near the shore, mixed with sand, garbage and sewage that the Yangtze River brings here. Industry and simple carelessness have made the sea in Shanghai virtually uninhabitable.

The coast is an unattractive mixture of clay, sand, waste - such landscapes are clearly not inspiring for a beach holiday. Therefore, they prefer to swim in Shanghai in private pools and water complexes with artificial beaches, attractions, etc.

Shanghai beaches

And yet, surprisingly enough, there are beaches in Shanghai, there are as many as two of them.

The first - Shanghai Beach - is located within the city on a stretch of coastline equipped with platforms and partially artificial sand embankments. The territory hardly resembles bounty-style pictures, rather the opposite. The water here is just as dirty, so foreigners do not dare to swim, preferring to sunbathe in the sun - not to be lost in the 30-degree heat. More desperate locals still enter the water, which, by the way, barely reaches the waist.

The second beach - Jinshan - is located outside the city, about 50 kilometers away. This is a long stretch of the coast, covered with imported clean sand and equipped with sun loungers, awnings, toilets, changing rooms, and a cafe. The beach is private and completely paid, all services on it are the same.

The deepest part of the bathing area is 1.6 meters. It is followed by buoys, jealously guarded by employees, who promptly swim up to the violators in boats and return the prodigal swimmers to a safe area. So you can swim here with a big stretch. In addition, the beach is constantly crowded.

It is hardly possible to fully swim in the sea in Shanghai, but for those who want freshness and water coolness, there are swimming pools, aqua complexes, water centers with clean chlorinated water and all the benefits of civilization.

Features of the beaches in Shanghai:

  • Shallow bottom.
  • Cloudy water.
  • Lack of water attractions.
  • Crowdedness.
  • Infrastructure - sun loungers, umbrellas, changing rooms.

Flora and fauna

The high level of pollution does not prevent fish, crabs and other marine creatures from actively reproducing. This is why the coastal areas of the metropolis are literally teeming with fish restaurants and markets. Here you can buy crayfish, lobsters, lobsters, lobsters, oysters, shrimps and other inhabitants of the depths of the most incredible shapes and colors. The South China Sea is home to sardines, herring, swordfish, saber fish, tuna, sea croaker, conger eel, mackerel, sharks and thousands of other fish.

And the lack of beach recreation can be compensated for by fishing. For this, they organize both river fishing and a tour with access to the sea, in Shanghai you can rent a boat of any size and specifics and go for an exotic catch.
