Confucian Temple (Shanghai Confucian Temple) description and photos - China: Shanghai

Confucian Temple (Shanghai Confucian Temple) description and photos - China: Shanghai
Confucian Temple (Shanghai Confucian Temple) description and photos - China: Shanghai
Temple of Confucius
Temple of Confucius

Description of the attraction

The Temple of Confucius is the only temple complex in Shanghai dedicated to this great thinker of antiquity. It was built in 1294. The temple was originally used as an educational institution.

The building was destroyed and rebuilt many times. As a result, it acquired its modern appearance in 1995, when the last major reconstruction of the temple was carried out.

The building of the Temple of Confucius is the concentration of wisdom, harmony and absolute tranquility. Everything here disposes to ensure that a person relaxes and thinks about the eternal, and time in the temple seems to flow slower.

Walking around the temple, you can see the statue of Confucius himself, as well as several Buddhas. Stone sculptures in the courtyard tell visitors about the life and art of ancient times. In addition, there is a twelve-meter pagoda on the territory of the temple.

Inside the temple, visitors are encouraged to purchase a leaflet on which they can write their wishes. After that, the leaflet must be placed with the rest and wait for the wish to come true. It is believed that Confucius will help everyone.

At the end of the tour, you can visit the tea house on the territory of the temple. Here, a Chinese woman in traditional dress holds a tea ceremony for everyone who wants to plunge into the atmosphere of ancient traditions.

Among other things, a book market is held on the territory of the temple, which is the largest in Shanghai. And next to it there is a street where different books are sold every Sunday.

