Prices in Abkhazia

Prices in Abkhazia
Prices in Abkhazia
photo: Prices in Abkhazia
photo: Prices in Abkhazia

Prices in Abkhazia are low when compared with Moscow and Central European prices. Here you can pay for goods and services in Russian rubles, and in some establishments (shops, cafes) - in US dollars or euros. Since credit cards are practically not accepted for payment in Abkhazia, it is advisable to have cash on vacation.

Shopping and souvenirs


There are no large shopping centers in Abkhazia. At your service - small shops and shops. It is worth noting that it is not customary to bargain in stores, but in local markets you may be given a discount on a particular product.

What to bring from Abkhazia?

  • accessories and souvenirs from the vine, medicinal herbs and tinctures, clay products;
  • Abkhazian wines and cognacs, spices, tea, mountain honey, nuts, dried fruits.

In Abkhazia, you can buy adjika from 100 rubles, homemade cheese - from 300, spices - from 100, tea - from 100, chacha - from 500, Abkhazian cezva (Turkish for coffee) - from 200, dagger - from 1000, shell decorations - from 150 rubles, churchkhelu - from 50 rubles.


If your goal is to get to know Gagra, go on a sightseeing tour of the city (you can go on it, both in the daytime and in the evening), during which you will stroll through the Seaside Park, see the Abaata fortress, visit the castle of the Prince of Oldenburg and the temple St. Hypatius of Gagra, as well as admire the panorama of the city, climbing to the observation deck. The approximate cost of the excursion is $ 30.

Going on an excursion to the Gegsky waterfall, you will be able to see not only this wonderful waterfall, but also the landscapes of the Ritsinsky reserve, sitting here for a picnic (barbecue + Abkhaz wines). The tour costs approximately $ 35.

If you decide to explore the New Athos Cave, you should go on an excursion to New Athos. You can visit the huge halls, inspect stalactites and lakes with blue water for about $ 10.


The whole family should visit the Sukhumi Monkey Reserve - here you can see over 300 individuals brought from Asia, South America and Africa, and admire the picturesque nature. The approximate cost of entertainment is $ 5.

If you are a lover of horseback riding, then you can go on a special equestrian route, laid through a picturesque area. The approximate cost of entertainment is $ 20.


Prices for travel in public transport in Abkhazia are quite low: for a bus ride around the city you will pay about 6 rubles, on a trolleybus - 5 rubles, on a fixed-route taxi - 10 rubles, and for a taxi ride - 100-150 rubles.

On average, on vacation in Abkhazia, you will need 1500-2000 rubles per day for 1 person (meals, hotel accommodation). But this item of expenses can be reduced by renting housing in the private sector: in this case, you will need about 1000 rubles per day for 1 person.


The quality of rest often depends on the successful choice of the hotel. It is better to take care of this in advance and choose the best accommodation option in terms of comfort, proximity to the beaches and price.

