Shanghai Zoo description and photos - China: Shanghai

Shanghai Zoo description and photos - China: Shanghai
Shanghai Zoo description and photos - China: Shanghai
Shanghai Zoo
Shanghai Zoo

Description of the attraction

A small zoo in Shanghai, located by the road to the airport, is included in all sightseeing tours. But if you decide to visit it "savages", it will not be superfluous to learn a little about it.

The area of the zoo is almost 0.7 sq. km - divided into separate areas and fenced sectors, where rare and amazing animals live in open-air cages, pens and cages. There are about four thousand of them, over 330 varieties. Approximately 600 animals are found nowhere else in the world. These include: crocodiles - the inhabitants of the Yangtze River; deer are bluish-white; giant panda or, as it is also called, bamboo bear; Northern Chinese pheasants with feathers of an unusual color: silver with a blue tint in males in their tails and having a slightly darker plumage than ordinary ones; South China tigers, and others. Other parts of the world include giraffes, elephants and hippos from Africa, seals and walruses from the North Pole, and Australian kangaroos.

The Shanghai Zoo is a favorite stroll for lovers, children and tourists. Often, it is the tour of the zoo that is most memorable for tourists. This zoo makes a very pleasant impression, because all animals living here are kept in excellent conditions, which cannot be said about other Chinese zoos.

The zoo has many unusual performances. For example, the Folk Entertainment Village, where you can see bullfights, where visitors are free to place their bets and cheer for their bull. There are cock fights. The birds here not only fight, but are also carefully treated by the owners after the fights. Such competitions are attended by a large number of people, and women and men are almost equally divided.

There are different ways of moving around the zoo: a small tram, a bus or a walk. It is better to visit the zoo in the first half of the day, otherwise you may not see many animals. They get tired in the heat and prefer to sleep, which means that you will not be able to play or take pictures of the animal you like.

It is also important to stock up on soft drinks and water. You can buy them at the entrance to the zoo, inside you will not find them anymore.

