Archaeologists believe that the history of the Bulgarian Nessebar began more than three thousand years ago, when the Iron Age came to replace the Bronze Age. The Thracian settlement founded in these places was called Menebria. Then the Greeks came here, and the city turned into a center of trade routes. Since then, the remains of the acropolis and agora have been preserved in Nessebar. This was followed by the time of the ancient Romans, Byzantium, the Bulgarian kingdom and the militant Ottoman Empire. All the historical twists and turns have left a significant mark on the urban architecture, and modern tourists arriving in Bulgaria on a beach vacation will always find something to see. Many ancient temples have survived in Nessebar, the earliest of which date back to the 4th-10th centuries. The defensive system of the city was built in early Byzantine times and the power of the fortress walls that have remained since that time can still impress a traveler who is interested in ancient architecture. Do not forget the natural attractions of Nessebar, which is rightfully considered the pearl of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
TOP-10 attractions of Nessebar
Western fortress wall

The city walls of Nessebar served to defend the city from enemy invasions. The first fortifications were built in the 8th-6th centuries. BC, when the territory of modern Bulgaria was part of Thrace. Construction resumed in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC, and the last sites were built already in the V-VI centuries:
- The southern and northern sections of the fortress wall went into the sea and served as the defense of the city's quays. Today their ruins are under water.
- The entrance to the city was closed by two gates, on the sides of which there were pentagonal towers.
- The western wall, built on land, has survived to this day. You can see the 100-meter-long section and the ruins of the 8-meter watchtowers.
The fortress walls are located in the old part of the city on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus.
Church of Hagia Sophia
In the old Nessebar there are many early Christian basilicas built in the early Middle Ages. The oldest temple, the Church of Hagia Sophia, was founded at the end of the 5th century. It was built after the collapse of the Roman Empire, when the Balkans became part of Byzantium. The basilica is called the Old Metropolis. Until the V century. this place was the city agora.
The most valuable monument of the Byzantine era is a three-aisled basilica. It is 19 m long and 13 m wide. Each nave is separated from the others by two rows of pillars. The central nave ends with a round apse from the inside, while the outside of the dome has a triangular shape.
On one of the walls of the basilica, there is an old marble tablet with a Bible verse. There is a legend that a wish made near the temple will certainly come true.
St. Stephen's Church
It became the new Metropolis of Nessebar in the 11th century. temple of St. Stephen. Within its walls you can look at the unique murals of the 16th-18th centuries, depicting scenes from the Holy Scriptures. On the ceiling and walls of the basilica, more than 1000 images and 250 compositions have been preserved that tell about the life of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. The artists captured the miraculous deeds of Jesus, the stages in the life of him and his disciples. Scientists came to the conclusion that the temple was painted by three artists, since the manner of painting differs. The most significant fresco in the church is the Last Judgment, which dates back to the 18th century.
Initially, the temple was dedicated to the Mother of God and only then was renamed the Cathedral of St. Stephen. It was built of stone blocks according to the design of a three-aisled basilica, traditional for that era. The dimensions of the temple are 12x10 m.
The Church of St. Stephen is called one of the most significant architectural landmarks of Nessebar and the whole of Bulgaria. The frescoes, iconostasis and architectural appearance of the temple have come down to us in almost unchanged form.
Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel
Another basilica from the times of the Byzantine Empire in Nessebar is of undoubted interest for history and architecture lovers. The Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel was built in the 13th century. in the old city, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage of Humanity.
The building was a one-nave basilica with an annex in front of the entrance, topped with a dome. There was a bell tower nearby. There were two entrances to the vestibule - north and south. The facade of the basilica was decorated with vaulted arches, lined with bricks and processed stone.
Unfortunately, to this day, the church has not been preserved in perfect condition, but when visiting this attraction of Nessebar, you can look at the stone niches and the remains of the dome skillfully laid out on the facades and imagine the former greatness of the temple, built in honor of the main messengers of divine revelations.
Church of Christ Pantokrator
It is not for nothing that the Bulgarian Nessebar is called the city of forty churches. In its old part, you can look at another magnificent temple built in the XIV century. and is called one of the most significant in the history of the city.
The Byzantine-style building, together with the side-altar and altar niches, is 16 meters long and more than six meters wide. Part of the building on the plan looks like a cross. On the roof of the church there is an octagonal tower with a semicircular dome. The facades are decorated with half-blind niches in the form of arches. Built-in arched windows give lightness and elegance to the vaults of the dome. The interior of the temple is lit with natural light coming in through the windows on the south and north facades.
The temple frescoes have been little preserved, but still, on the walls and ceiling of the church, you can see the remaining fragments of the once rich murals. The church is dedicated to the central image of the Savior in iconography. Pantokrator is the Almighty Savior, depicted on icons and frescoes full-length or sitting on a throne and symbolizing the Heavenly King and Judge.
Church of St. John the Baptist
A striking example of the Greek-Slavic architectural traditions, the Church of St. John the Baptist was built in the 10th century. When building the church, ancient craftsmen used river stone and rough blocks carved from rock. The basis of the foundation is a rubble stone extracted from sandstone and having high strength and moisture resistance. This material allowed the structure to survive the centuries, and the temple has been well preserved to this day.
The Church of St. John the Baptist has the shape of a cross on the plan. It is crowned with a small round tower with a hemispherical dome. Three altar niches merge on the ceiling into cylindrical vaults, connecting to the middle vault. Almost no wall paintings have survived, but a fresco depicting St. Marina on the western column has survived to this day. It is dated back to the 17th century.
Church of St. John Aliturgitos
Among other religious buildings that have survived in Nessebar since the Middle Ages, this church stands out especially. In the name of the temple there is a word meaning “without liturgy”. According to legend, a worker died during the construction of the church, and the church did not go through the consecration procedure.
It was erected in the XIV century. next to the medieval port of Nessebar. The once majestic structure of red brick and worked stone blocks was decorated with ceramic ornaments and paintings. The church met seafarers who entered the port on merchant and military ships, and served as a place for them to offer prayers for health and a successful voyage.
In 1913 the temple was destroyed by a strong earthquake and today little remains of its former splendor. But even in the ruins, you can still see the ancient paintings on the west wall. An unknown master of fresco painting depicted ships entering the port. Fragments of the mosaic floor have also survived, and you can enter the temple through the north and south gates.
Water paradise

After enjoying the World Heritage Sites in Nessebar, to see which thousands of tourists come to the city, you can go towards active entertainment. One of the city's favorite attractions where the whole family can enjoy a summer day is the Water Paradise water park.
One of the largest entertainment projects of this kind in the Balkans, "Water Paradise" offers visitors many exciting attractions:
- The Kamikaze and Space Jam water slides, each 22 m high, are the champions among the attractions in Bulgaria.
- "Tsunami" with a length of 13 meters is able to give unforgettable impressions to the daredevils who conquered it.
- The 146 m long rafting descent is the most ambitious in the country's water parks.
- Recreation area for kids with a fairytale castle and cozy "paddling pools".
- A secluded island paradise with massages, jacuzzi and the best Mediterranean cocktails.
A huge selection of shows that are worth visiting in the water park of Nessebar impresses even experienced tourists. You have the chance to visit a pirate ship, the Wild West and a rock concert.
Open from 10 am to 6.30 pm.
Ticket price: from 8 euros.
Archaeological Museum
Upon entering the Old Town, you will see the building of the Archaeological Museum, which contains historical exhibits and ancient artifacts. The museum was opened in 1994 and has become one of the popular attractions of Nessebar among foreign guests.
In four rooms, collections of items found during archaeological excavations and historical scientific research are presented. You can see old anchors used by medieval shipbuilders and pottery dating back to the Bronze Age. Marble sculptures and silver coins, gold jewelry and stone bas-reliefs, ancient Greek amphorae and stone tools - these are just a few of all the treasures presented in the Archaeological Museum.
Cape Emine
A little northeast of Nessebar is located the most beautiful natural landmark of Bulgaria - Cape Emine. A steep cliff, 60 meters above the Black Sea, has long been considered especially dangerous for navigation. A lighthouse was built at the top of Emine, and ships bypass this place so as not to crash on the underwater rocks. But the views from the cliff are very picturesque, and excursions to Cape Emine are very popular with tourists in Nessebar.