Parking in France

Parking in France
Parking in France
photo: Parking in France
photo: Parking in France
  • Features of parking in France
  • Parking in French cities
  • Car rental in France

Those planning to find parking in France should take into account that non-observance of parking rules entails a 17 euro fine (if it is not paid within 45 days, it will increase to 33 euro). It should be noted that it is not recommended to plan road trips at the end of the first and beginning of the last week of August. If we talk about the congestion of French roads, then not the best time to enter Paris is Sunday evening, and to leave it - Friday evening.

Features of parking in France

In France, it is undesirable to park near bridges, on sidewalks, cycle paths and in places where a car could obscure a road sign. Important: in the blue zone you can park for up to 1, 5 hours, in the green zone, long-term parking is allowed, and parking in the red zone is prohibited. In addition, cars cannot be left in front of fire hydrants, as well as on the street in the same place, for more than a day.

Many French parking lots are equipped with horodateurs: these machines are designed to pay for parking spaces using special cards (they are sold at tobacco kiosks). You can park without payment in August, on weekends, on holidays and on weekdays from 7 pm to 7 am (in small cities, free parking is allowed from noon to 1:30 pm). As for paid parking lots, they are indicated by a white stripe and a P / Payant sign.

Parking spaces can be paid through a special machine that accepts cash; bank and prepaid “city” cards; Moneo cards (electronic French payment system). Some cities offer their guests to pay for parking remotely. For example, in the commune of Issy-les-Moulineaux, an electronic parking ticket can be bought by phone (remote payments are accepted via the Internet or a voice server).

Parking in French cities

In Paris, you can park at Baudoyer-Marais (in a parking lot with 47 cars, 15-minute parking is paid at 1 euro, hourly - at 3, 90 euros, 4-hour - at 15, 80 euros, 12-hour - at 35 euros), Rivoli-Sebastopol (rates for 267-seat parking: 15 minutes / 1 euro, 2 hours / 8 euro, additional hours / 4 euro, 24 hours / 36 euro), Litece-Cite (prices for a parking lot with 211 spaces, 0, 90 euros / 15 minutes and 36 euros / 24 hours) …

In Toulouse, autotourists will be able to leave their car at Parking Marengo, where up to 400 cars are guarded. Rates: 0, 50 euros / 15 minutes, 1, 60 euros / 45 minutes, 4, 60 euros / 2 hours, 15, 80 / day.

There are the following car parks in Rouen: Saint-Marc (no charge is required for the first 15 minutes of parking; each of the 532 parking spaces costs 2.5 euros / 1 hour, 6, 10 euros / 3 hours, 15 euros / day), Haute Vieille Tour (427 seats available; car owners pay 4, 50 euros / hour, 6, 10 euros / 3 hours, 13, 70 euros / 12 hours, 15 euros / day, 3 euros / from 19:00 to 03:00), Gare de Rouen (15 minutes of parking at Gare de Rouen, accommodating 381 cars - free, 45 minutes - 2, 10 euros, 1, 5 hours - 3, 70 euros, 12 hours - 12, 30 euros, 24 hours - 12, 80 euros).

Those who decide to explore Marseille by car, it makes sense to look at Providence (there are 95 parking spaces; prices: half an hour - free, the next 15 minutes - 0, 50 euros, 12 hours - 23 euros), Cours Julien (it is equipped with 630 parking spaces; for parking for 15 minutes, car owners are charged 1.80 euros, 1 hour - 2.60 euros, 6 hours - 13, 10 euros, 12 hours - 18, 40 euros, 24 hours - 19.20 euros), Charles de Gaulle (528 spaces are allocated for parking here; for 15 minutes you need to pay 1, 1 euros, for half an hour - 1, 90 euros, for 1 hour - 3 euros, per day - 31, 70 euros).

In Lyon, parking is provided for car tourists at 25 Rue Salomon Reinach (at a 30-seat parking, 15-minute parking is free, then the following rates apply: 0, 50 euros / 30 minutes, 1, 30 euros / 1 hour, 2, 80 euros / 2 hours, 4 euros / 3 hours), 236 Rue Garibaldi (has 218 parking spaces; prices: 1.30 euros / 1 hour, 3.5 euros / 2.5 hours, 4 euros / 3 hours; parking on Sundays and Saturdays from 19:00 to 09:00 - free), Rue Victor Lagrange (parking for 15 minutes in this 93-seat parking lot is free; 1 hour / 1, 30 euros, 2, 5 hours / 3, 50 euros, 3 hours / 4 euros).

Car rental in France

To draw up a car rental agreement in France, a 21-year-old traveler cannot do without an international driver's license and a credit card. The approximate cost of renting a car (louer ue voiture) in France: a budget car - from 70 euros / day, and a car of category C - 200-300 euros / day.

Useful information:

  • the toll road (autoroute peage) will be indicated by a blue sign with the letter A (travel through the Frejus and Mont Blanc tunnels will cost 43, 50 euros, and there and back - 54, 30 euros; on the bridges of Tankarville and Normandy - 2, 60 and 5, 40 euros, respectively; on A4 Paris - Strasbourg - at 38, 20 euros; on A7 Lyon - Marseille - at 24, 60 euros; on A28 Abbeville - Tour - at 34, 70 euros);
  • in settlements it is permissible to drive at a speed of 50 km / h, and outside them - 90-110 km / h;
  • low beam should be used in tunnels and in conditions of poor visibility;
  • gasoline prices: Gazole costs 1, 2 euros, GPL - 0, 59 euros, Sans Plomb 95 - 1, 37 euros.
