- Features of local shopping
- Gastronomic Kostroma
- Textile and haberdashery gifts
- What to bring souvenir from Kostroma?
- Kostroma jewelry
Are you going on a trip to the Golden Ring of Russia and wondering what to bring from Kostroma? There are many recommendations on this score, all of them, as a rule, are associated with historical crafts that exist to this day in Central Russia and, in particular, in the ancient town of Kostroma, which is almost 900 years old!
Features of local shopping

Fans of modern boutiques and shopping and entertainment complexes have nothing to do here - in Kostroma, as in any relatively self-respecting large city, there are several shopping centers in which there is a set of clothes and shoes necessary for life. However, you will hardly find branded boutique shops there, and there will be no choice of outfits from the latest collections from world fashion designers. So go to Kostroma for this is clearly not worth it. But what can surprise the old Russian city is the abundance of various souvenirs and handicrafts, traditional for the local places.
Conventionally, all the gifts that you can bring from Kostroma to friends, colleagues and relatives can be divided into several groups: gastronomic gifts; textile and haberdashery presentations; souvenir items; art goods and jewelry. Let's consider each group separately.
Gastronomic Kostroma
There is clearly no need to go far - the cheese "Kostromskoy", and this is not only a definition of the place where this product is produced, but also a brand widely promoted back in the Soviet years. This type of cheese is more than 130 years old, it is still made according to old technologies, thanks to which cheese makers manage to preserve the peculiar sourness of the product and a pleasant cheese aroma. This is rennet cheese, which tastes somewhat like the now widespread "Gouda". In fact, cheese makers make here not one variety, but several, and in the warm season in Kostroma travelers can get to the famous “Cheese Fair” to take with them authentic “Kostroma” and other local cheeses as a gift. For example, these are: "Ivan Kupala"; Demidovsky; Susaninsky; "Resurrection".
Another feature of these places is black salt, a product that also came from the depths of centuries. The simplest thing is to char the salt in the oven with the addition of all sorts of local herbs. But this technique gives ordinary fine salt a completely unusual flavor and a little less salinity.
If you are not too lazy to drag bottles of water from the trip, then you can buy mineral water - to your surprise, you will find mineral water here, which in its composition is similar to the famous Caucasian mineral waters. "Sharyinskaya" and "Manturovskaya" are trade brands of the Kostroma mineral water, which can also be brought and donated with the wishes of health. "Not for drunkenness, but for health" - this is about the Kostroma mead. The local drink is good, vigorous, well drunk and at the same time almost authentic to what was produced in Russia in ancient times.
Textile and haberdashery gifts
Linen is the first thing that will be offered to you in any shop and shop of local handicrafts. Linen products have long been revered in Russia - they are light, environmentally friendly, do not lose their shape and do not shrink, so taking a couple of natural linen shirts will secure the favor of your boss and your husband. And by purchasing local napkins and tablecloths with embroidery in the traditional local way, you will make a royal gift to your friends and mother-in-law.
Valenki - with embroidery, appliqués, even Swarovski crystals - for every taste and wallet there is a pair of felt boots that are suitable for the cold season.
Products from birch bark - bast shoes. This can be attributed to the category of footwear, and to the products of folk applied art. Birch bark is a traditional material for local crafts. So do not forget and buy a tueska or a casket made of velvet, delicate and warm to the touch natural material - Kostroma birch bark.
What to bring souvenir from Kostroma?
Ceramics is the first thing that comes to mind when walking through the souvenir shops in Kostroma. If not birch bark, not food, then, of course, local products made of baked clay. Pots and jugs, other peasant dishes and, of course, the famous Kostroma toy. The toy whistle is a phenomenon of the local traditions of Russian folk art and a very popular souvenir among tourists. In addition to her, a variety of other toys in the form of figures of animals, birds and people are sold in Kostroma. The douche toys made of clay will be a wonderful gift brought from the ancient Kostroma.
If you need to make a corporate gift, then your path should be to retail outlets and art studios that sell handicrafts by local craftsmen. As in all tourist spots, there are plenty of charms for sale here. The peculiarity of the locals is that they are made of flax and represent the characters of local legends and tales. For example, amulets "Kostromushka-Bereginya" or Snow Maiden, as well as a bunch of creative ideas of local craftsmen, embodied in funny and unexpected images. For example, here you will meet Grandfather Pikhto, Sivaya mare and Horse in a coat. Wooden clocks, table calendars, teahouses and other cute things can be brought to the delight of colleagues at work.
Kostroma jewelry

This is a special section with the same rich history as cheese making in Kostroma. In the old days, jewelry was dealt with in different years from three to six local factories, which made products from gold and silver of the highest standard. The most famous enterprise today is the Kostroma Jewelry Factory, which has existed since 1939 and produces products from platinum of the highest standard, gold and silver.
The nomenclature of the enterprise is rings and earrings, bracelets and cufflinks, other jewelry that will please both women and men. So if you want to make an expensive and original gift, hurry up for Kostroma jewelry - everyone will appreciate this gift!