- Delights from Kazan
- What to bring from Kazan from clothes?
- Gifts with a sacred character
- Gifts for all tastes
Everyone knows that Moscow and St. Petersburg are competing with each other. In the same material, we will talk about the so-called third capital of the country, which at the same time plays the role of the main city of Tatarstan. But the story will be devoted not to the famous Kremlin and other historical monuments that a foreign traveler can see here. This material is the answer to the question of what to bring from Kazan, what local products may interest a guest, become a good souvenir for his family and friends, what traditional crafts are presented in the local market, what household items or wardrobe items may be in demand by a modern tourist.
Delights from Kazan
First of all, you should pay attention to the delicacies that can be tasted only in Tartary and its main city. For gourmets who do not consider themselves to be vegetarians, many varieties of sausage are prepared in Kazan, the product made from horse meat dominates, it is worth remembering its exotic name for a European - Tutyrma.
Many guests are in a hurry to taste sweets, which are also abundant in the capital, the most popular delicacies of the region: chak-chak, dough fried in oil with honey topping; taklysh keleve, familiar to everyone, cotton wool produced in Tatarstan on the basis of honey, and therefore more tasty and healthy.
It is known that the majority of the inhabitants of Tataria are adherents of the Muslim faith, where alcohol is not held in high esteem. But centuries of "friendship" with eastern neighbors have led to the establishment of the production of strong and low-alcohol drinks, which are sold well as tourist souvenirs. The guests pay special attention to local balsams, which have a lower strength in comparison with vodka, but include various medicinal plants.
What to bring from Kazan from clothes?
This is not about fashionable wardrobe items, branded items for men and women. In fact, it is very easy to update your wardrobe, the city has a sufficient number of huge shopping and entertainment centers with boutiques and salons, novelties of the season that have just appeared in Paris or Milan. But most of the tourists are more interested in national clothes, models and styles that were fashionable a hundred or two hundred years ago. Moreover, for such categories of guests it does not matter whether it will be a complete set of clothes or some part. If we proceed from the cost, then since things are sewn and made by hand and prices are high, it is best to buy an accessory: men's headdress - skullcap; kalfak, headpiece for a woman.
They are distinguished by their beautiful embroidery, which preserves ancient patterns and motives. In addition to hats, footwear is popular among guests - the Tatar's national shoes are distinguished by long curved toes and rich embroidery. Trying on such shoes, you immediately find yourself in a fairy tale, imagining yourself as Aladdin or a small, but very brave Torment. Tatar boots - ichigi look elegant, they have more modest noses, are sewn from pieces of leather, and are also decorated with embroidery.
Gifts with a sacred character
The Muslim religion leaves an imprint on all spheres of life of the modern Tatar society. This also applies to souvenirs, in the capital's souvenir shops you can often see certain Muslim symbols and motives. The most popular souvenir from Tataria for a colleague or neighbor who is an adherent of the Muslim religion is the gift edition of the Koran.
Such books have a beautiful design - a cover made of genuine leather, velvet or velor, paper of the highest quality. The design can use metal, embossing, inlay, embroidery. Naturally, many of the books additionally have a gift box for easy transportation and storage. If the Quran in such a performance seems too expensive a gift, then you can buy suras (separate chapters), made in different artistic techniques and looking very presentable.
Gifts for all tastes
The assortment of Kazan souvenir shops amazes any guest; they present souvenirs and things made from different natural materials, based on national Tatar motives, in traditional techniques. Ceramics deserves special attention, the main enterprise is located in the Verkhneuslonsky district. Its craftsmen offer ceramic sets and figurines, candlesticks and animal figurines that are typical for this region or reflect the main city symbols, for example, "Kazan Orphan" or "Kazan cat".
Such goods are good for presenting to colleagues, the beloved girl or mother will be more delighted with high-quality Tatar jewelry. In the past, Tatar women abundantly adorned themselves with rings and bracelets, pendants and head jewelry; it was believed that an enviable bride should wear at least six kilograms of jewelry.
Today the situation has changed, a girl's dowry is judged by other things, but jewelry in the national style is still popular with both local beauties and visitors. Lumpy filigree is a special technique that is actively used in jewelry in Tartary. Necklaces or bracelets, made on the basis of ancient technologies, are real works of art, worthy of taking the place of family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation.
For art lovers, wonderful paintings are offered as a gift with city landscapes depicting the main architectural sights of Kazan, or with natural beauties. The original gift is a picture of Shamail, it takes up little space, but serves as a talisman of the dwelling from evil spirits. Performed on high quality paper or hand-embroidered fabric.
The assortment of shops and souvenir shops in Kazan allows us to conclude that the guest will not have any difficulties with the choice of gifts in the city, you can buy clothes and national shoes, religious souvenirs and beautiful jewelry, paintings with cultural monuments or Shamails, amulet paintings.