Official languages of Australia

Official languages of Australia
Official languages of Australia
photo: Official languages of Australia
photo: Official languages of Australia

Not a single state language is declared in the Constitution of the Green Continent. In Australia, even Australian English, which is used by more than 15, 5 million people, is not recognized as official. Despite the fact that almost four hundred dialects and adverbs are still in use in the country, only 56 thousand people are their speakers.

Some statistics and facts

  • The smallest group of Australian Aborigines speaks Tuval, Tinpai Muruwari. The number of speakers of each of these dialects is only three people.
  • The largest native language is the language of the Western Desert. It is spoken by over 7,000 Aboriginal people.
  • The second most common on the Green Continent after Australian English is Italian. It is preferred by 317 thousand inhabitants. Greek, Cantonese and Arabic follow.
  • Some varieties of local dialects are not related to any of the known languages of the planet. Affected by the geographical isolation of Australia.

History and modernity

Australian English was born in the era of the first settlers, whose ships docked in New South Wales in 1788. The fact that the Australian version received features that distinguished it from classical English was recognized in 1820. Changes in pronunciation began due to the mixing of the languages of the settlers themselves, representing the many dialects of the British Isles.

Many words in the current state language of Australia have been borrowed from Aboriginal dialects. Basically, the names of animals, plants, some tools, weapons and household items. The indigenous people gave names to the settlements, in the place of which large cities arose. In particular, the name of the capital, Canberra, is translated from the Aboriginal language as "meeting place".

During World War II, US troops were stationed in Australia and many Americanisms infiltrated Australian English. They added even more originality to the language.

Tourist notes

In Australia, you will undoubtedly be understood if you know at least the basics of English. But it may not be so easy to make out the speech of an Australian, because the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the inhabitants of the Green continent make it not too familiar even for a British or American.

When talking to a waiter, receptionist, or taxi driver, simply ask them to speak more slowly.
