Interesting places in Saratov

Interesting places in Saratov
Interesting places in Saratov
photo: Interesting places in Saratov
photo: Interesting places in Saratov

Interesting places in Saratov, in the form of the Trinity Cathedral, the Saratov-Engels bridge (travelers will be able to admire the embankment, the river station, the Elena Tower), Sokolovaya Gora (its height is 165 m) and other objects, can be seen while walking around the city.

Unusual sights of Saratov

Monument to the bachelor guy from the song “There are so many golden lights …”: if you believe the reviews of Saratov girls, those who embrace and take a picture with a bronze guy located on Kirov Avenue will soon get married. The uniqueness of this object lies in the fact that it is installed next to the clock, which every quarter of an hour “plays” a fragment from the famous song.

Dandelion Fountain: next to this beautiful fountain there are sculptures of circus animals (elephant, lion, fur seal) standing on balls.

What interesting places to visit in Saratov?


Vacationers in Saratov will be interested in visiting the museum of the Saratovstroysteklo plant (out of 5,000 exhibits, a laser-cut panel, a glass bridge over a stream, a rain man, a crystal orchid, crystal chess, crystal products framed with cupronickel, bronze and silver deserves special attention, inlaid with ornamental stones; it is worth considering that only group excursions are conducted around the museum), the Soldatenkovy Museum of Folk Art Crafts (guests are invited to master classes during which they will be able to learn from folk masters) and the Gagarin Folk Museum (unique exhibits in the form of an autobiography, a statement written by Gagarin's hand with a request to enroll him in a technical school, a Yak-18 aircraft cast by Gagarin and his friends, as well as documents, books, handwritten memoirs, various layouts and models).

The fairytale courtyard on Vavilov Street is a place worth visiting with children to look at the statues of mythological, fairytale and literary characters.

Visitors to the City Park of Culture and Leisure can visit the solarium area (there is a swimming pool and recreation area; price - 400 rubles / day), tennis courts (600-700 rubles / hour), bungee, sports trampoline, power meters (2 attempts - 80 rubles), various attractions (“Circular review”, “Whirlwind”, “Top mix”, “UFO”, “Hip-hop” and others), as well as ride boats and catamarans, have a snack in a cafe and a barbecue, attend sports events, film screenings in the open air, performances of theater and dance groups.

And those who decide to have fun in the Limkor water park will find there a floor that creates the illusion of being on the seashore (it imitates pebbles), a hydromassage pool and a children's pool, gently sloping and adult slides (Black Hole and Kamikaze), Finnish and Turkish saunas.
