The first autumn month in Crete can hardly be called "velvet season", because the air temperature is still quite high, and solar activity makes us look for a saving shade in the afternoon. And yet, by the end of the month, clouds are more and more frequent, thermometer columns are "too lazy" to storm high temperature marks, and excursions are again becoming a popular entertainment for tourists who avoided being in open spaces for a long time in the summer heat. The weather forecast for Crete in September sometimes promises storms, because the northerly meltemi winds still bring waves to the sea.
Forecasters promise
The heat in the first month of autumn is gradually giving way to a stable pleasant warmth. You can comfortably be on the beach even at noon, if you use UV protection products. Solar activity remains high, although the onset of autumn is felt especially clearly on cloudy days:
- The air temperature in the morning rises only up to + 22 ° С, but by noon mercury columns “wake up” and rush to the level of + 27 ° С. Sometimes they even go to the September record, crossing the 30-degree threshold.
- The air cools down faster at night, and a light sweater or stole is a good idea for dinner after sunset.
- Late at night on the thermometers of Crete it is at this time only + 18 ° C.
- Precipitation is becoming a real atmospheric phenomenon, although it does not happen more than 2-3 times a month. It usually rains in the afternoon, slightly raising the humidity readings.
The winds from the Aegean Sea, which brought coolness throughout the summer, are gradually changing direction and strength. In the first half of the month, waves of average magnitude at sea are still possible, but by the end of September they gradually subside.
Seas in Crete
The sea cools down much more slowly than land, and in September the weather forecast continues to delight tourists who flew to Crete to swim. The water remains comfortable and warm, its temperature does not drop below + 24 ° C.
On boat trips, you should take a light windbreaker or sweater.