Finland is a country of amazing beauty, it offers the modern tourist a large number of various places for recreation, entertainment and excellent pastime. In total, the duration of highways, urban and interregional roads in the country is about eighty thousand kilometers. All roads in Finland are of high quality.
On most roads in Finland, the speed is limited to 50 km / h, although there are a considerable number of sections, the speed of which does not exceed 40 or even 30 km / h.
Features of roads in Finland
Despite the speed limits on Finnish roads, they really are distinguished by the comfort of movement, high quality, and well-developed infrastructure. Thus, driving on the roads in Finland is a real pleasure.
It is necessary to pay attention to a number of features of the country's roads:
- frequent placement of warning signs "Elk" and "Deer" (wild animals of the reindeer family are found throughout Finland and there is a high probability of their appearance on the roads at any time of the year);
- compliance with the rules limiting speed on the roads (such violations are considered serious and in this case you will have to pay a fairly large fine);
- the presence of police officers and cameras (special warning signs are installed in such areas);
- the requirement to always turn on the dipped beam (headlights on Finnish roads must be on at any time of the day: otherwise, oncoming drivers will flash the high beam for a reminder).
How and where to refuel a car in Finland?
When entering Finland with a full tank, the driver has every right to have up to ten liters of additional gasoline in the canister. Modern gas stations in Finland offer three types of fuel: 95th; 98th; diesel fuel.
E10 and E5 designations will indicate that bioethanol has been added to the gasoline. Every motorist will have to fill up his iron horse independently, since in Finland there is a self-service rule. The inscriptions "automatic" and "express" mean that you need to pay for fuel on the spot, at the same time "cash desk" - you will have to go to a store or cafe located at a gas station. In most cases, you need to pay for fuel only with bank cards, and you need to be prepared for this.
Finnish driving
Driving culture in Finland is really at a very high level, in order to obtain a driver's license you need to pass a rigorous exam. Among the disadvantages of driving style in the country, attention should be paid to the late turning on of the turn signal: drivers are accustomed to turning on the turn signals when starting the maneuver, which is why tourists traveling in Finland should always be careful while driving.
Parking in Finland is paid, although there is a sufficient number of free ones, but very often they are limited in time, so this fact should be taken into account.