Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt and the most popular Mediterranean resort. However, contrary to popular belief, a special flavor, luxurious beaches and the opportunity to take good photos to the envy of friends are not all that attract tourists here.
Since the city is a very peculiar symbiosis of modern civilization and ancient history, each of its guests can also count on a very rich excursion program. Fortunately, Alexandria has a very rich history, so it will be very exciting to study it. For those who want to get to know the city even closer, it is better to also study the coat of arms of Alexandria.
History of the coat of arms of Alexandria
This city was built back in 332 BC. NS. by Alexander the Great himself. Unlike earlier cities founded in Egypt according to the principle of polis organization, Alexandria was more like a city in its modern sense. From the day of its foundation until the 4th century AD, the city flourished and was the largest Hellenistic center of the region, and at that time it did not yet have official symbols.
It appeared only at the end of the 18th or the beginning of the 19th century. It was then, after many centuries of decline, Alexandria again attracted the attention of the whole world and acquired the official city symbol.
Description of the coat of arms
In total, the composition contains the following elements: shield; Alexandrian lighthouse; the figure of Cleopatra; tower crown; a ribbon with the name of the province. As you can see, the design is quite simple, however, and it has its own meaning. For example, the five-pronged tower crown is a generally accepted symbol that the city is a major cultural and commercial center with a large urban population.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of the seven wonders of the world. Founded by Alexander the Great, for many centuries it helped ships navigate the reefs and served until Alexandria itself fell into decay and the bay became shallow and unsuitable for navigation. In this case, the lighthouse is not only a reference to the past, but also the personification of the guide and protector of the city from new dangers.
The figure of Cleopatra is a kind of tribute to the past. It should be noted that this famous queen of Egypt was such a famous person that her image was very popular. So this choice of the compilers of the coat of arms can be called quite successful.