At the first glance at the coat of arms of Copenhagen, there is a feeling that the authors of the image have overdone it, saturating it with various elements and symbols. Perhaps in this way they wanted to demonstrate the importance of the city in the history of the country and Europe, to emphasize loyalty to traditions.
Description of the modern heraldic symbol
Any modern traveler, guest of Copenhagen, will immediately name the main symbol of the city - the famous Little Mermaid, who sacrificed everything for love. But it is impossible to find this beauty on the coat of arms, only the azure and silver wavy lines depicted in the lower part of the coat of arms remind of the water element.
Most of the symbols on the Copenhagen heraldic sign are rather associated with strong, brave, warlike men. Among the main elements of this composition stand out:
- a silver shield with the image of three towers and a knight;
- three knight's helmets with windbreaks;
- a precious crown, symbol of Danish monarchs, and flags;
- supporters, stylized lions with forked tails.
The shield itself is decorated with a figured frame and has an oval shape, which is one of the oldest used in heraldry. The towers on the shield are crowned with images of stars (on the side structures) and a crescent (central tower). Six-pointed stars refer to ancient heraldic images, used in the meaning of symbols of good luck, loyalty and military glory.
At the gates of the main building, you can see a knight in armor, a kind of defender of the city. This is not just a symbolic image of a warrior, behind his image is a real hero - Charlemagne. At the base of the coat of arms, there are many different elements that relate to knightly and soldier's ammunition.
Through the pages of Danish history
Historians note that the city's seal appeared in the city back in 1296. And already in the 16th century Copenhagen had its own coat of arms, the elements of which have survived to this day.
The central place in the image was occupied by an architectural structure, which had three towers, with two side towers symbolizing the castle, and the central one - the church, later also depicted as part of the castle.
The gold crown depicted at the top of the coat of arms is associated with one of the Danish monarchs. Knight's headdresses, flags of Denmark and other territories symbolize the power of the state, independence, and readiness to defend borders. Attributes of military ammunition are used in the same meaning.