Belarus trains

Belarus trains
Belarus trains
photo: Trains of Belarus
photo: Trains of Belarus

The railway occupies a leading position in the transport system of Belarus. Its length is approximately 5, 5 thousand km. Most of the trains go to Russia, to the port cities of the Baltic Sea, the states of the Black Sea region, as well as to the countries of Europe and Asia. Trains in Belarus are considered one of the most comfortable ways for people to travel. On the territory of the state, there are 20 stations with a well-developed infrastructure.

Railway of Belarus

Within the country, the railway network enmeshes almost all settlements. A comfortable transportation format is offered for passengers. City lines are used within the capital. Regional routes run through the regions, and interregional lines operate between the regional centers and Minsk. Belarus is connected with other countries by international routes.

The trains are divided into economy and business classes. Belarusian trains are much more comfortable than buses. Direct flights connect the country with Russia, Poland, Lithuania and other countries. BelZhD includes 31 organizations with the status of a legal entity. The Belarusian highway consists of 503 stations and more than 570 stopping points.

How to buy a train ticket

You can buy a ticket at the station at the box office, make an order online or by phone. When ordering a ticket online, a passenger can count on its delivery if he is in Mogilev, Gomel or Minsk. When ordering from other cities, the electronic ticket is issued in the future at the box office.

Train timetables in Belarus can be found on the websites,, etc. Travelers on trains are provided with free and paid services. The Belarusian Railways (Belarusian Railways) is the monopoly on the country's railways. You can buy a train ticket on the official website of this organization Train tickets in Belarus are inexpensive. Their cost depends on the car category, class and route. You can get from Gomel to Minsk in 2 hours, paying about 45,000 Belarusian rubles for a seat.

Using the online system for purchasing railway tickets, the passenger can find out the train schedule, ticket prices and availability. Having chosen the desired option, you can book or buy a ticket by making a payment with a bank card. Train tickets start selling 45 days before the departure date. Ticketing ends one hour before the train departure. If the passenger has an electronic ticket, they must also present their passport upon boarding. Passengers are offered travel tickets that allow an unlimited number of trips.
