Rail transport is the ability to choose the direction and time of travel, as well as freedom of movement. Trains in Italy are divided into categories depending on the class, speed and distance of the route.
Types of trains in the country
The fastest and most expensive is the Eurostar long-distance train. Some of these trains can accelerate up to 300 km / h. High-speed trains are considered to run on new directions: Bologna-Florence, Turin-Milan, Rome-Naples, Milan-Bologna, etc. Eurostar Italia Alta Velocità Fast trains are considered very fast, the speed of which increases due to the decrease in the number of stops between the main points.
High-speed trains in Italy are subdivided into Red Arrow and Silver Arrow. The Red Arrow runs between major cities such as Milan, Florence, Naples, Bologna, Rome and others. The Silver Arrow follows winding routes, reaching speeds of up to 250 km / h. She travels to Venice, Lecce, Verona and other cities.
How to buy a ticket
Quite expensive train tickets in Italy are sold with seats and dates. These are Eurostar tickets, which are consistently popular with passengers. If you are interested in an international flight, you will need a Eurocity train ticket. Rail transport of this type can travel through European countries, stopping only in large cities. The average train speed is 90 km / h. For travel at night, Euronight trains are intended, which have not only seated but also berths.
Tickets for the Italian train can be purchased as early as 2 months before the planned departure date. For them, you can contact the box office or the agency of the State Railways. Customs inspection of passengers on international trains with berths is carried out without the participation of passengers, on the basis of documents provided by the service team.
Tickets can be booked online using the website www.trenitalia.com, which is the official resource for Italian national roads. In this version, the ticket will be printed on the train by the controller. You can also get a train ticket at the train station, ticket office, newsstand or bar.
Service on trains
The carriages on Italian trains are of first and second class. They are equipped with air conditioning and seating. Customers' meals are provided by the conditions of the trip. If the transport is late, the passenger is partially reimbursed the cost of the ticket. On some trains, you can take any seats that are free.