How long is the flight from Orenburg to Moscow?

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How long is the flight from Orenburg to Moscow?
How long is the flight from Orenburg to Moscow?

Video: How long is the flight from Orenburg to Moscow?

Video: How long is the flight from Orenburg to Moscow?
Video: I took a domestic flight ✈️ in 🇷🇺 Russia |moscow to Orenburg| 2024, July
photo: How long is it to fly from Orenburg to Moscow?
photo: How long is it to fly from Orenburg to Moscow?

In Orenburg, you were able to relax in the parks of Poplar and Chkalov, see a ballistic missile in the memorial complex-museum "Salute, Victory!" Shuttle and Tabu, Crazy Park or Alecsis, Rina or 12ft bowling? And now you want to get acquainted with the nuances of a return flight to Moscow?

How long is it to fly from Orenburg to Moscow (direct flight)?

Orenburg and Moscow are at a distance of 1200 km (travel time - 2 hours). If you plan to land at Sheremetyevo, then Aeroflot will take you there 2 hours after takeoff, and if at Domodedovo, then with Orenburg Airlines you will be there after 2 hours and 10 minutes.

You should ask about the price of air tickets Orenburg-Moscow in advance. For example, in May, November and June, their cost will be 6600-8500 rubles.

Flight Orenburg-Moscow with transfers

From Orenburg you can fly to Moscow via Kazan, Ufa, Samara, Astana, Chelyabinsk or other cities. You will wait for the second flight when connecting in Samara (Transaero) for 11 hours (the whole journey will take 14.5 hours), in Kazan (Transaero) - 17 hours (travel duration - 22.5 hours), in Chelyabinsk (“Utair”) - 12 hours (the whole trip will take 16.5 hours), in Orsk (“Orenair”) - 8 hours (you will be home after 12 hours).

Which carrier to choose?

You will be offered to fly home on TU 214, Yak 42, Let L-410 Turbolet, Boeing 737-800 and other aircraft owned by the following companies: Aeroflot; Orenburg Airlines; “Utair”; "Transaero".

Check-in for the Orenburg-Moscow flight is carried out at the Yuri Gagarin Airport (REN), located 19 km from the city (bus number 101 is at your service). The airport infrastructure includes: a restaurant, post office, shops, ATMs, a waiting room, a room for children and mothers to rest on the 1st floor of the passenger terminal (there are 3 rooms, among them there is a room for self-catering, as well as a library, 40 beds, a bathroom, a pediatrician's office), a first-aid post, a business lounge with fax, Internet, upholstered furniture, a round-the-clock bar, check-in and customs check-in counters.

How to entertain yourself in flight?

During the flight, do not forget to decide who to give souvenirs from Orenburg in the form of Orenburg downy shawls, jasper jewelry, mosaic portraits made of stone, Orenburg loaves, felt boots, hand-embroidered with various patterns, knitted hats and mittens, cakes from Winnie the Pooh confectionery.
