North of China

North of China
North of China
photo: North of China
photo: North of China

North China is a vast territory centered on the Great Plain of China. In the area under consideration, the Chinese civilization was formed. The northern region of the country is considered the historical and cultural homeland of the Han people. The lands are cut by the legendary Yellow River, which is one of the main attractions of the state. Human settlements have existed on the banks of this river since prehistoric times. Another attraction in the north of China is the Great Wall of China, which is a symbol of the civilization of the people. The northern regions are very popular among tourists, as ancient architectural monuments and unique natural objects are located here. The northern region includes the provinces of Liaoning, Gansu, Qinghai, Heilongjiang, Shaanxi, Shanxi, the city of central subordination Tianjin, as well as the autonomous regions of Xinjiang Uygur and Inner Mongolia.

Sights of the northern region

There are rich natural resources in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Conditions allow for mountaineering and ecotourism. In this region you can see the snowy peaks of the Pamirs, Altai, Tien Shan and Kunlun, as well as lowlands, valleys and deserts.

On the southern side of the Tien Shan mountains lies the city of Turpan, which is considered the hottest place in the country. Its unique climate is formed by the nearby Taklamakan Desert. In the shade, the air temperature reaches +49 degrees. This place is called nothing else but "land of fire".

Tianjin city and seaport are often designated as northern Shanghai. It has great tourism and industrial potential. The city has ancient temples, an antiques market, a TV tower on the water.

The province of Gansu surprises tourists with an interesting history, which in the old years was the golden part of the Silk Road. Different peoples live on its lands: Mongols, Tibetans, Uighurs, Huis. Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity are practiced in the region. Gansu has a significant section of the Great Wall of China, equal to 1665 km. The steppes and deserts there are adjacent to the peaks of the Gobi mountains, covered with eternal snow. The Mangao grottoes are also unique objects in the north of China.

Weather conditions in the northern part of the country

Most of China is influenced by the continental climate. Seasonality is clearly expressed there and a significant temperature range is observed. The annual temperature difference in the northern regions is higher. In Heilongjiang province in winter the temperature drops to -30 degrees. Winter starts in December and ends in May. This area has very cold winters. Summer period is from May to August. The best time to visit northern China is in autumn and spring, when it rarely rains and the average air temperature is +20 degrees and above. At night there are sometimes frosts, and during the day the weather is warm.
