Features of Germany

Features of Germany
Features of Germany
photo: Features of Germany
photo: Features of Germany

Is Germany really as strict as it is commonly believed? How does the country live? Take the opportunity to learn the national characteristics of Germany!

Love for bicycles

Germany has a developed bicycle culture that has existed for many decades. Anyone who prefers a bicycle can count on the opportunity to have a comfortable vehicle model and the best travel conditions.

It is important to note that the parking lots, which are also available for motorists, have tables with comfortable benches, where you can eat your products absolutely free. Agree, people really do care!

Innovative technologies

Germany is committed to active development, which is why it is considered a country of advanced technologies. You can see whole fields with solar panels, wind generators.

The state authorities were able to organize the waste sorting in the best way. How is this expressed? The Germans can distribute waste not only by the type of material. For example, glass should be classified according to different colors, and plastic according to its specific criteria. It is believed that such sorting contributes to significant savings in natural resources and a good ecology.

Society and its safety

Every person in Germany feels comfortable and safe.

Many people with disabilities can be seen in Germany. This is due to the fact that people with disabilities can live here fully, find friends and feel dignified, protected and free. This is largely due to high-quality roads and the availability of modern wheelchairs.

In Germany, the police really strive to protect people.

All motorists strive to comply with the rules of the road. It is customary to let pedestrians pass without rushing with signals. Drivers do not cut each other, do not seek to rebuild from row to row, are ready to comply with speed limits, as a result of which calm reigns on the road, and all risks are completely eliminated.

Features of the mentality

The Germans are particularly polite, and they will not be rude because of a bad mood. Each person is tactful and strives to avoid conflicts.
