Treatment in Mexico

Treatment in Mexico
Treatment in Mexico
photo: Treatment in Mexico
photo: Treatment in Mexico

It is not only Mayan ruins and the endless blue of the Caribbean that draw tourists to the distant Mexican shores. In between the beach pleasures and the contemplation of the eternally gray pyramids of the ancient people, many travelers dare to receive medical treatment in Mexico, especially since the local doctors succeed in some procedures better and significantly cheaper than their colleagues in other countries.

Important rules

For a trip to the Caribbean coast, it is best to enlist the support of a traveler's health insurance, which will help to recover the money spent on medical treatment in Mexico in case of unforeseen circumstances requiring urgent help.

It should be remembered that in pharmacies of the country, almost all medicines are dispensed only by prescription, and therefore it is worth taking with you all the drugs necessary for an emergency.

To avoid troubles with the law and with health, it is important to avoid illegal medical practice, and therefore, studying the recommendations and patient reviews on the clinic's website or data on the page of the Ministry of Health is an important stage in preparing for a trip to Mexico for treatment.

How do they help here?

The residents of Mexico themselves deduct a monthly contribution to the health insurance fund and receive partial or full coverage of all treatment costs. A foreigner will have to pay for the services of doctors in full, if we are not talking about compensation for emergency care under the traveller's policy.

Methods and achievements

A number of Mexican clinics are accredited according to the international JCI system and they should be preferred when choosing a place for treatment. Doctors in the country have made great strides in ophthalmology and orthopedic surgery, joint replacement and dentistry. Plastic surgeries in clinics in Mexico are also popular with foreigners. The most commonly performed procedures are abdominoplasty, liposuction, and circular facelifts.

Issue price

The cost of all medical services in the country is significantly lower than in the United States or Europe. Having positive recommendations from patients, a good doctor can boast that even Americans come to Mexico for treatment, and therefore the level of modern medicine in the country can be called high. If you compare prices, rhinoplasty surgery in the United States is twice as expensive as in Mexico, and LASIC vision correction in Mexico costs just over $ 2,000 compared to $ 5,000 in the States.
