Description of the attraction
The Teacher's House began its history in 1899, when the Ministry of Public Education decided to found a Pedagogical Museum in the city of Kiev. In 1901, the museum was opened, although at first the museum did not have its own premises, and the exposition was located in the Trinity People's House, and after it was "sheltered" in its premises by the Higher Women's Courses. The collection of the museum contained various textbooks, visual aids, materials on the history of Ukrainian enlightenment, etc.
The exhibits, in general, were donated to the museum, and some were acquired by a philanthropist and entrepreneur, the actual state councilor Mogilevtsev. Gradually, the collection of the museum became more and more extensive. There were school desks, atlases, globes, reproductions of famous paintings, children's compositions, handicrafts, drawings, etc. The museum had a rich library, teachers from different parts of the country came here to exchange experience.
Gradually, the museum in the rented premises became cramped, and after lengthy negotiations, the City Duma decided to give part of the garden territory belonging to the First Male Gymnasium for the construction of its own museum building. The author of the project was the architect Alyoshin, the construction was carried out in 1910-1911, and it was led by the famous Kiev contractor Ginsburg. In the fall of 1911, the museum acquired its own premises, which later became an architectural monument of the 20th century. The building of the museum was made in a classical style with elements of antiquity. Soon the museum began to operate an exhibition, concert, reading and lecture halls, a library, the best equipped classrooms for natural science, physics and chemistry. Until now, all kinds of performances, concerts and other cultural events are regularly held in the Teacher's House.