Treatment in the Czech Republic

Treatment in the Czech Republic
Treatment in the Czech Republic
photo: Treatment in the Czech Republic
photo: Treatment in the Czech Republic

Russian citizens have long chosen the Czech Republic. Some moved there for permanent residence, others regularly fly to Karlovy Vary to improve their health at the local healing springs. Russian language is increasingly heard in the country's clinics, because treatment in the Czech Republic seems attractive and effective to many. There is a certain reason to go for consultation to Czech doctors - they are competent, literate and have a high level of professional training.

Important rules

An impeccable international reputation and full patient participation in the discussion of diagnostic and treatment methods recommended by the doctor are the main components of the success of the Czech healthcare system. Foreign visitors to these clinics can count on the absolute competence of the medical staff and a responsible approach to solving any issue.

How do they help here?

The Czechs themselves are subject to a health insurance system, according to which they are required to make regular contributions to the chosen insurance company. For employed citizens, this is done by the employer. The state makes deductions for medical insurance to those who are at the labor exchange and temporarily not working, children and students under 25 and pensioners.

The presence of a medical policy on a voluntary basis is a condition for foreigners with a long-term visa or persons with a residence permit to stay in the country.

Methods and achievements

The main "horse" of Czech medicine is the treatment of ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Treatments for joint pain, back problems, or ligament problems can be found in virtually all local resorts. In addition, the country's health resorts help to forget about a whole range of other problems, which makes treatment in the Czech Republic so attractive:

  • Sanatoriums in Marianske Lazne are a real panacea for those suffering from metabolic disorders - from low thyroid function to obesity. Here they will help to cope with pathologies of the urinary tract, assist in rehabilitation after oncological operations and normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Treatment in Karlovy Vary will benefit "ulcers" and teetotalers, because the waters of thirteen local thermal springs are the best medicine for gastrointestinal pathologies and help for those who have decided to get rid of bad habits.
  • The spa programs of Františkovy Lázně are aimed at treating gynecological pathologies.

Issue price

Prices for treatment in the Czech Republic are formed based on the cost of medical services of the selected sanatorium, to which you will have to add air travel and hotel accommodation. For those wishing to save money at each resort, there is an opportunity to stay in a private apartment by renting it directly from the owners. In this case, food will be much cheaper if you cook it yourself.
