Treatment in Germany

Treatment in Germany
Treatment in Germany
photo: Treatment in Germany
photo: Treatment in Germany

German medicine is considered one of the best in the world for a reason. The secret of success lies in the high degree of qualification of doctors, a conscientious attitude towards their duties of the caring personnel and the constant introduction of advanced scientific developments and technologies into everyday practice. That is why Russian citizens are increasingly choosing treatment in Germany, because when it comes to health, there is no need to save or hesitate.

Important rules

The main concept of medicine in Germany is attentiveness to the patient, his wishes and problems. Any manipulations or diagnostic procedures are prescribed based on the real needs of the patient, and the research methods are necessarily coordinated with him. Going to Germany for treatment, you can be sure that no one will "strongly recommend" tests or studies that are not necessary, thus trying to make money on a difficult situation for a person.

Other advantages of the German health care system include the highly qualified medical staff. It is possible to become a practicing physician here only after long-term training, which lasts at least 11 years.

How do they help here?

Medical care in Germany is represented by three types of services:

  • Primary, which is based on the institution of "family" doctors. This system successfully copes with 90% of cases of acute and chronic diseases of patients.
  • Secondary care is a specialized service that the patient is referred to by family doctors. These can be diagnostic tests, physical therapy, or surgery.
  • The third type is specialized clinics that provide services for the treatment of especially complex diseases, for example, cancer. As a rule, such centers rescue victims of car accidents, perform organ transplants, or care for premature babies.

Methods and achievements

The methods of treatment in Germany are based on the latest scientific developments, for which funds are annually allocated both by the state and by patrons of the arts. Thanks to this research and the modern equipment of any German clinic, medicine is successfully developing in all directions, but doctors have achieved the greatest success in cardiology, invasive surgery, rehabilitation after injuries and severe operations, and in preventive research.

Issue price

Prices for treatment in Germany may vary depending on the clinic or the complexity of the case. The final amount consists of the cost of diagnostic manipulations or medical interventions performed, the number of days spent in the hospital, the type of ward, etc. On average, uncomplicated childbirth or crushing of kidney stones costs about 3500, prosthetics of intervertebral discs from 9000, and a general diagnostic study from 1000 to 2500 euros, depending on the depth of the program.
