Treatment in China

Treatment in China
Treatment in China
photo: Treatment in China
photo: Treatment in China

It was in ancient China that for the first time in the world a medical concept was formulated quite clearly, which included definitions of the concepts of health, diseases and their treatment. The conclusions that any ailment is caused by a combination of reasons allowed the Chinese to achieve certain success in prevention, and therefore the system of disease prevention is the basis of Chinese medicine. The inextricable link between historical traditions and modern achievements is the secret of the success of the doctors of the Middle Kingdom and the popularity of treatment in China among residents of many countries of the world.

Important rules

The Ministry of Health of the PRC is an executive state body whose tasks include total control over the availability and quality of medical services for citizens of the country and foreign tourists. In other words, treatment in China is carried out under the vigilant control of the state, and therefore even institutions of traditional traditional medicine are subordinate to a specialized structure under the auspices of the Ministry of Health. Among other responsibilities of officials - monitoring the quality of medical education and compliance with established standards in the technical equipment of hospitals.

How do they help here?

Health and medical tours to the PRC in recent years are increasingly being purchased by Russian residents. The relatively inexpensive cost of medical services, a responsible attitude to the work of the medical and nursing staff, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, skillfully combined with the principles of traditional traditional medicine - these are the components of the success of any treatment program in China.

Many travel companies are happy to provide intermediary services for those wishing to carry out diagnostics or start procedures with specialists from the Middle Kingdom. There is even the possibility of a correspondence consultation in order to identify valid indications for treatment in China.

Methods and achievements

The main methods of treatment in China were formed long before the introduction of modern scientific developments, but they are quite successfully combined with them:

  • Traditional massage is a variety of styles and directions, where each procedure is aimed at strengthening and cleansing the body.
  • Reflexology is acupuncture or moxibustion of specific active points.
  • Vacuum therapy normalizes blood flow and stimulates the removal of toxins.
  • Oriental gymnastics restore the bioenergetic potential of the body.

Issue price

The cost of medical and diagnostic procedures in Chinese clinics is significantly lower than in hospitals in the United States or Europe. For example, an operation to remove a herniated disc will cost $ 5,000, surgical correction of strabismus will cost $ 1,500, and a full-body CT scan will cost only $ 200.
