When they talk about treatment in Latvia, the imagination draws the Baltic coast, overgrown with pine groves, where even the air seems to be healing, and the sea water is capable of relieving many ailments. The resorts of the Riga seaside are an ideal way to relax in the most natural climate for a European and get comfort, excellent service and perfect care in one of the most cozy and hospitable corners of the Baltic States.
Important rules
Going on vacation or treatment to Latvia, it is worth taking out a traveller's medical insurance policy. This will make it easier to obtain a visa and make it possible to reimburse funds for emergency treatment in case of emergency.
Choosing a sanatorium or resort, it is best to take your medical history and other medical documents with you, so that it would be easier for the attending physician in Latvia to prescribe treatment and decide on additional recommendations and procedures.
How do they help here?
A Medical Tourism Center has been established in the country, coordinating the activities of all clinics working with foreign patients. In addition to spa treatment in Latvia, travelers can use the paid services of hospitals specializing in getting rid of the widest range of diseases. Taking this opportunity, tourists in the country visit dental clinics and consult with plastic surgeons, consult with specialists in reproductive medicine and make an appointment with narcologists and dermatologists. It is these areas of medicine that are especially developed here, and the attending physicians of such clinics are recognized and respected at the international level.
Methods and achievements
The main resort in Latvia, where treatment and recreation were still the object of desire of Soviet citizens, is the magnificent Jurmala. In addition to the sea, pine trees and interesting cultural and entertainment events, city health resorts can offer their visitors:
- Treatment of joint and gastrointestinal tract diseases, gynecological and dermatological pathologies with mineral waters and curative mud.
- Weight loss programs with the help of special balanced nutrition and physical education programs designed for patients of various degrees of physical fitness.
- Ideal relaxation and wellness programs for the elderly.
- The best conditions for family holidays and vacations for children and adolescents.
Issue price
It is better to check the prices for treatment in Latvia on the websites of specialized clinics, but on average they are slightly lower than in the top five European countries. FGS and CT will cost 70-90 euros, uncomplicated childbirth with subsequent care will cost about 2,000 euros, breast augmentation surgery will cost about 3,300 euros, and for a Botox injection - up to 150 euros.