Treatment in Japan

Treatment in Japan
Treatment in Japan
photo: Treatment in Japan
photo: Treatment in Japan

For decades, the Land of the Rising Sun was considered the most advanced power in the world in terms of the number of implemented technical innovations. There has always been the most advanced technology, and Japanese robots have long been able to perform many difficult manipulations that only a Homo sapiens can do. Combined with the careful preservation of national traditions and oriental exoticism, this innovation is an interesting mixture for the curious traveler. Excursion tourism has recently been successfully complemented by medical tourism, and treatment in Japan is chosen by those who do not want to risk their health for the sake of dubious savings in clinics in other countries.

Important rules

Any type of treatment in Japan guarantees the high quality of the services provided, be it traditional clinical methods or traditional medicine. The Ministry of Health licenses all types of medical activities, and therefore transplant operations and ordinary shiatsu massage here will be done perfectly and in compliance with all the most important rules.

Japanese clinics are ahead of the rest of the world in the fight for patient safety. This also applies to the ideal operation of clinical equipment, and the absence of nosocomial infections, and the introduction of painless therapy methods.

How do they help here?

Treatment in Japan is based on high-tech equipment and the most modern methods. For example, with the help of Cyber-Knife devices, high-precision operations are carried out in the country's clinics, and early diagnosis helps to avoid chronic processes and the appearance of advanced forms of diseases.

Methods and achievements

One of the priority areas of medical tourism in the Land of the Rising Sun is dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Treatment in Japan is chosen by patients who need:

  • Operations for cosmetic and physiological correction of congenital maxillofacial defects.
  • Installation of dental implants.
  • Maxillofacial prosthetics.
  • Plastic surgery to correct the shape of the auricles, nose or eye incision.

Issue price

Japanese medicine occupies one of the leading places in the world, not only in terms of its capabilities, but also in terms of its high cost. In Asia, this is the undoubted record for the number of zeros in the receipt for treatment, but nevertheless, the services of the local doctors are not as expensive as their colleagues from the United States.
