Taxis in Lisbon are cars in black-green or beige color, on the roof of which there are light panels, in the cabin there are taximeters, and on the front panel there is a price list with tariffs.
Taxi services in Lisbon
You can stop the car on the road by raising your hand or find the car at the equipped parking lots (if the green signal is on at the taxi, it means that it is busy). These parking areas are located near shopping centers, train stations and in places where taxi services are most in demand. It is worth noting that you cannot get into any car you like - you need to get into the one to which the turn has come to take passengers.
You can place an order for a car delivery by contacting a single taxi call service: + (351) 707 277 277. Or you can call one of the well-known taxi companies: Teletaxis: 218 111 100; Coop Taxis (cash and cards are accepted for payment - Visa, Master Card, American Express): 217 932 756 (you can send sms to 4901); Radio Taxi: 219 362 113.
Taxi cost in Lisbon
Not sure how much a taxi costs in Lisbon? The information below will help you to get acquainted with the current tariffs:
- for a phone call, 0, 9 euros will be added to the fare (when ordering, you can inform that you need a taxi for people with disabilities or you need a car that can accommodate 5-8 people);
- landing will cost 2 euros, and 1 km traveled will also cost 2 euros;
- travel in the dark (23:00 - 06:00) will increase the cost of your trip by 20%;
- for luggage and a pet, you will have to pay an additional 1.6 euros / 1 seat, and the waiting time will cost 15 euros / 1 hour.
As for surcharges, the passenger will have to pay for travel on toll roads and bridges.
On average, a trip around the city costs 10-12 euros, and for example, for a trip from the statue of Christ to the castle of São Jorge you will be asked to pay 9 euros.
If you purchase a pre-paid voucher with a fixed rate (head to the Lisbon Information Center to purchase), you can use a taxi that will take you from Airport to City Center. A voucher, which starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 21:00, will cost you 16-27 euros (the price is affected by the distance of the trip), and for a voucher valid on weekends and holidays, as well as on any day from 21: 00 to 06:00, you pay 19-33 euros.
Advice: make sure at what moment the driver turns on the counter - he should do this not during the greeting and loading luggage, but when the car starts to move. Since drivers often do not have change, it is advisable to have small bills (according to the law, they are required to have change from 20 euros).
There are buses, metro, funiculars, trams to the guests of the capital of Portugal … But if you are traveling in the company of two or more people, it is more profitable and more convenient to travel around Lisbon by a local taxi.