Everyone knows that the most beautiful women live in this country, remembering the latest world beauty contests and admiring the current president of Argentina. But, besides the feminine charms, tourists know that this is the land of football, wildlife and tango, the most erotic pair dance.
Tourism in Argentina is currently being built on these whales, offering holidays on the coast, a trip to the mysterious world of wildlife, exotic trips to Cape Horn or to the shores of Antarctica. Russian tourists do not need a visa to enter the country, but they will need quite large financial resources (like other guests from Europe), since the flight is not cheap.
Safety comes first
For local residents, rare tourists from Russia are themselves exotic, therefore, guests of the country are most often greeted with a friendly, benevolent attitude. Although here there are enough people who are not honest.
Therefore, while on vacation in Argentina, a tourist must observe the safety measures known to him:
- do not walk alone, in the evening or at night, especially in unfamiliar areas;
- do not carry large amounts of money and do not leave them at the hotel, trusting only hotel or bank safes;
- showcase jewelry and inexpensive jewelry, leaving diamonds at home.
Argentine souvenir
Tourists dream not only to relax in Argentina, dance and taste local dishes, but to take with them a piece of this sunny country. Most often, the famous Argentine tea - mate, as well as utensils for its preparation (calabash and metal tubes) leave in travelers' suitcases. Knives, mouthpieces decorated with silver embossing and guitars are popular among men's souvenirs.
Lovely travelers and their girlfriends who stayed at home will be delighted with wonderful products made of sheep wool, vicunas, natural fur coats. Only you need to buy not from your hands, but in official centers and take the check with you, it will be required by customs officers.
Passionate tango
In Argentina, it is danced anytime, anywhere and at any time of the day. Not a single tourist will be able to refuse a small lesson or at least admire the dance of love, tenderness and passion in a club, dance hall, at a special tango show, just on the street.
The ideal option for a traveler is to get to the festival of this beautiful dance, where you can see how widely it spread across the planet and how the pas of a true Argentinean differs from the pas of his fellows from Europe or Australia.