Getting information about Morocco's currency is an important point in preparing for your trip. The official currency of this African country is the Moroccan dirham (100 centimes). Today in active circulation banknotes in denominations of 10, 50, 100 and 200 dirhams and coins in denominations of 1 and 5 dirhams, 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes. However, the dirham is not used throughout Morocco. In the southern regions and villages of the Atlas, which have a weak connection with the progressive part of the country, the rial is still in use. This monetary unit is equal to 1/20 centimes.
Moroccan dirham: features
The Moroccan dirham was first introduced into monetary circulation in 1960. It replaced the Moroccan franc.
The Moroccan dirham is one of the most stable world currencies. Its course is set by the state. It is the same for the entire banking system.
What currency to take in Morocco
It is not possible to purchase Moroccan dirham in other countries. The issue of importing Moroccan currency for foreigners is closed. As for the import of foreign currency, you can import into Morocco without filling out special documents - up to 1.75 thousand dollars. When importing an amount exceeding this mark, you have to fill out a declaration.
The export of Morocco's national currency is prohibited.
Currency exchange in Morocco
You can exchange almost any foreign currency for local currency in banks, hotels, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, specialized exchange offices, as well as at airports.
Currency exchange at unlicensed exchange offices is strictly prohibited.
It should be noted that the working week of Moroccan banks starts on Monday and ends on Friday. Opening hours - from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Accordingly, the days off are Saturday and Sunday. Bank opening hours may vary depending on the internal policy of the bank.
Dirham is not convertible. It is not recommended to exchange large amounts of money in one go.
Credit cards in Morocco
Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, hotels, shopping centers. Private traders prefer to work exclusively with cash.
In Morocco, you will find ATMs serving international payment systems on the streets, in hotels and in restaurants.
In Morocco, you can also cash American Express traveller's checks. They are readily accepted in hotels and entertainment establishments. Traveller's checks of other systems are practically not cashed.