The Andaman Sea is located in the Indian Ocean, which is an attractive destination for tourists. It is located between the island of Sumatra, the peninsulas of Malacca and Indochina, the Nicobar Islands. A map of the Andaman Sea reveals that it connects to the South China Sea via the Strait of Malacca. The Andaman Sea basin is formed by the lands of countries such as Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nicobar and Andaman Islands.
Geographic features
The water area is small. The total area of the sea is approximately 660 thousand square meters. km. Its greatest depth reaches 4507 m. The bottom of the Andaman Sea is covered with sand, silt, gravel and pebbles. There are red clays in the depths. Active underwater volcanoes arc in a southerly direction.
Volcanic eruptions cause frequent earthquakes and tsunamis. The most destructive earthquake that caused the tsunami wave occurred in 2004. As a result of the cataclysms, there are bizarre rock formations in the coastal regions. The coast of the Andaman Sea is winding, covered with plains, hills and rocks.
Climate in the Andaman Sea region
The water area is located in the zone of subtropics and tropics. The humid and hot climate determines the temperature of the water. In some areas, it is +29 degrees. Throughout the year, the water temperature changes very slightly, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of corals. In February, the water reaches a temperature of +26 degrees.
The currents in the Andaman Sea change with seasons: in winter they are directed to the southwest and west, and in summer - to the northeast and east. The reservoir is distinguished by high tides, which in some places reach 7 m. The salinity of sea water is 30-31 ppm.
Underwater world
The region has a very diverse and rich nature. The Andaman Sea is home to many animals. Here are found mollusks, coelenterates, crustaceans, echinoderms. Among them there are corals, jellyfish, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, starfish, worms, snakes, etc. There are at least 400 species of fish in the sea. Clown fish, butterfly fish, stingrays, swordfish, triggerfish, etc. are considered interesting. Fishing is well developed in the area. There is a fishery for crustaceans, mackerel, anchovies and other fish. There are sharks in the water area, but their numbers have been declining recently. A great white shark is on the verge of extinction.