In May, the arrival of spring in Latvia is felt in every city and village. Flowers, primarily tulips, bloom in every front garden. Sunny days delight the soul. But while the season is low, prices are frozen. This is what many tourists use when planning a vacation in Latvia in May in order to save on accommodation and see as much as possible.
Weather in Latvia in May
The arrival of spring feels good, but the real warmth is still far away. The temperature column in extreme cases creeps up to + 16 ° C, most often + 12 ° C, at night up to + 11 ° C. The temperature regime is affected by the proximity of the sea, warmth is felt in calm weather. By the sea, due to the wet winds, it seems that it is a little colder.
Excursion programs
It is still a long way from a beach holiday in Latvia, so it is better to devote days in May to walks in Riga, acquaintance with history and mystical events, traditions and modern life.
In order to get a good look at the Old Town (the historical center of Riga), it will take more than one day. Only in the Dome Cathedral you can stay for hours, freezing from the grandeur of this architectural and cultural monument. It is best to start your journey from the Town Hall Square, slowly walking along the small streets, getting to know the houses that have interesting names. For example, only in Riga you can see the House of the Blackheads and the real Cat's house.
May is a rather rich month for holidays and special events for Latvians. Some of them are celebrated at the state level, while others - in a specific region or city.
On May 1, there are two events at once, the first is Labor Day, which exists in the calendar of many countries. And one more event happened on this day - the proclamation of the constitution. Latvia has entered an independent road, successfully moving towards Western Europe and in terms of the level of development of tourist services too.
On May 1, the season is declared open in Jurmala, the pearl of Latvian recreation. On this day, the city walks until midnight. Of course, while most of them are locals, rejoicing in the arrival of the first tourist swallows.
Since May 4, 1990, Latvia's Independence Day has been widely and beautifully celebrated throughout the country. The largest events timed to this solemn day take place in Riga. Therefore, a tourist who finds himself in the capital at the beginning of the month will also be able to take part in a large cultural program. Latvian choirs and orchestras are especially impressive, the musical art in this country is at a very high level. The finale of the holiday - fireworks on the river embankment.