Spring is a great time for any undertakings, including new travels, and holidays in Germany in May will charge you with positive emotions for the whole summer. The weather at this time of the year is wonderful here, and there are not many tourists yet. This will allow you to leisurely enjoy the sights of old German towns in full.
May weather
The eve of summer is felt very clearly, the weather is most often sunny, the air warms up to + 21C ° during the day, and at night it stays at + 8C °. Periodic rains in May cannot interfere with a tourist traveling in Germany, because they quickly end.
Folk holidays
There are a lot of folk events in Germany, they are held during May and in different parts of the country. There are holidays that depend on the church calendar. For example, the third most popular festivities in Bavaria are festivities known as "Bergkirchway". The festivities begin on the Thursday before the celebration of Trinity and lasts 12 days. Throughout all events, tourists, together with local residents, participate in fairs, processions, attend musical performances and taste delicious German beer.
On the border of the two spring months, another holiday of an all-German scale is held - "Walpurgis Night". As you know, red-haired beauties who owned the secrets of magic and magic gathered on the Broken Mountain for the Sabbath. This holiday is dedicated to them and spring; tourists can also take part in costume balls.
And one more - the May Festival - "blossoms" in Germany at this time. The locals organize the welcome of spring widely and cheerfully: they decorate houses and the so-called maypole, burn fires and arrange dances in national costumes.
Another unforgettable sight awaits tourists traveling along one of the most beautiful German rivers - the "Rhine on Fire" festival. The river valley is lit up with thousands of fireworks.
Music of May
Several large-scale events are dedicated to various areas of musical art, for example, the International Festival "Dixieland", which is held by the residents of Dresden. Leipzig becomes the center of the festival life for gothic music, and Düsseldorf - for jazz.
Classical music lovers who find themselves in Weimar in April or May will also love taking part in the Thuringian Bach Festival, as the best performers from all over the world come here.