Holidays in Germany in January

Holidays in Germany in January
Holidays in Germany in January
photo: Holidays in Germany in January
photo: Holidays in Germany in January

January in Germany is the most unpleasant month of the year, because it is at this time that you can feel the real winter.

January weather in Germany

  • The warmest regions, where daytime temperatures can reach positive values, are located in the north, northwest. For example, during the day the temperature in Dusseldorf, Cologne is about + 5C, but by the night it gets colder by about six degrees. About a third of the month is characterized by precipitation presented in the form of sleet with rain or just heavy rains.
  • In coastal cities, there is often a strong wind from the sea, which makes the cold feel stronger.
  • The Baltic coast pleases with calm weather, but the temperature here also drops to -6C.
  • Berlin's climate is characterized by icy winds, dampness, and high levels of humidity. During the day, the temperature can be around + 1C, and at night -4C.
  • The mountainous regions of Bavaria are famous for the abundant snowfall, thanks to which the ski season is successfully held here.

However, people come to Germany in January not only for skiing holidays, which is the best option, but also for the purpose of shopping, organizing rich cultural activities.

Holidays and festivals in Germany in January

On January 1, at 12.00 in Berlin, the New Year's race begins near the Brandenburg Gate. The distance of the race is four kilometers. Perhaps you are interested in sports and would like to see the New Year's Run?

On January 6, the Germans celebrate the Epiphany. The holiday is especially vividly celebrated in Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria. In the afternoon, a solemn mass is held in the temples.

In Cologne, in the first month of the year, the Kunstsalon - Musik in den Hausen music festival is held. Interesting concerts are organized not only in public places, but also in private houses and residential apartments.

Shopping in Germany in January

When planning your holidays in Germany in January, you should take into account that big sales begin in the last days. Many boutiques offer 70% discounts on collections of winter clothing and footwear. It is important to note that sales are carried out not only for old, but also for current collections. When shopping in Germany, you can be sure to only buy high quality, stylish clothing.

Prices for a tourist trip to Germany in January

At the beginning of January, prices for hotels and tours are still quite high, but by the third decade the cost of the trip decreases. In order to save money on your upcoming vacation, it is best to use the early booking option.
