If you decide to go on vacation to Vietnam at the beginning of the year, then do not even doubt the correctness of your choice. It is pleasant to relax in this exotic country at any time. Most importantly, prepare in advance for the weather conditions and think carefully about what you will be doing there.
January weather in Vietnam
The difference in air temperature between July and January is practically not noticeable, therefore January is considered a month of comfortable rest in this country. The climate of Vietnam can be conditionally divided into three territories:
- North Vietnam. In the north of the country, January is considered the coldest month. It is very difficult to talk about the average monthly temperature in this part of Vietnam. In Hanoi - 15C, in Shape - 5C. Sometimes, especially during the period of abnormal cold weather, the temperature in Shap at night can drop to -3C, and in Hanoi to 5C. These cool periods last no more than 2-3 weeks. Basically, much of northern Vietnam remains a comfortable seating area.
- Middle part of Vietnam. January in the central part of Vietnam is considered a transitional month. The air temperature is 20-25C, and the water temperature is 24C. During this period, due to increased cloudiness, many tourists do not swim in the sea. There are years when the waves of cool air come only for a few weeks. And sometimes, the air can be warmer than usual, and then the guests of this country enjoy a full beach holiday.
- South Vietnam. In the south of Vietnam, January is considered the dry season, there is practically no rain here. Both in January and throughout the year, the air temperature is always high. During the day, it is 25-30C, and the sea water temperature is 26C. Therefore, in the south of the country, you can sunbathe and swim even in January.
Rest in January
How you spend your leisure time will depend on where you are going on vacation. Holidays in Vietnam in January in areas with warmer weather are usually accompanied by swimming and sunbathing. If you come to a cooler area, then we recommend you mountain activities.
While vacationing in Vietnam in the month of January, you can attend surfing competitions, and even take part in them. You can also take part in the New Year's festivities. The inhabitants of this wonderful country celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar - on the 26th, and at the beginning of January. During this period, Vietnam hosts stunning festivals of various sizes. It will be interesting for both adults and children to watch such a spectacular show. Every year Vietnam, like a magnet, attracts many tourists from different countries.