In Jordan, February is a low season, as this month the weather is capricious and unstable. In the northern parts of the state, in Amman and its environs, it often rains, and chilly winds blow from the Mediterranean Sea. In the southern regions, the temperature per day ranges from 10 to 12 degrees. In Aqaba, you can still swim and even explore the beautiful underwater world, because it is in this resort that the beach season lasts all year round.
Holidays and festivals in Jordan in February
February, the last month of winter, is marked by the holiday of Eid al-Adha, which is one of the most important for all Muslims. The holiday is dedicated to the end of the Muslim pilgrimage. The climax is the sacrifice of a lamb. On a holiday, everyone tries to dress up and give gifts to children, visit each other.
Shopping in Jordan in February
Shopping in Jordan is thriving. It is important to bear in mind that each store independently determines its own work schedule. Most establishments open at 9.30 and work until 13.30, after which they take a two-hour break and continue to work from 15.30 to 18.30. Supermarkets can work according to the following schedule: 9.00 - 13.00, 15.00 - 20.30. Friday is a day off. However, the Jordanian markets are pleasing with smooth operation. It is important to note that shops close earlier on holidays. Despite the fact that Eid al-Adha falls in February, you can enjoy shopping.
In Jordan, cosmetics are especially popular, for the preparation of which it is customary to use the components of the Dead Sea. Cosmetics can be bought in stores and pharmacies, even on the beaches. However, you can only be sure of high quality if you buy a cosmetic product from a pharmacy.
In Jordan, you can buy wicker rugs that are offered by talented craftsmen from Madaba, wicker baskets, cheap and beautiful gold jewelry, mother-of-pearl and copper products, olive tree souvenirs, embroidery, old coins. Remember that in Jordan it is customary to bargain in order to bring down the starting price.
Benefits of a tourist trip to Jordan in February
Are you planning a holiday in Jordan in February? In this case, you can enjoy a rich excursion program, learn the traditions of one of the most important holidays for Muslims, and do active shopping.