Romania has a population of over 21 million.
National composition:
- Romanians (89%);
- other nationalities (Hungarians, Gypsies, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Turks, Tatars, Greeks, Armenians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgarians).
90 people live per 1 sq. Km, but the most populated territories are the areas in the valley of the Muresha, Prahova and Snreta rivers (for example, in Prahova county, the population density is 180 people per 1 sq. Km), and the mountainous areas and Dobrudj are the least populated.
The official language is Romanian, but Hungarian, German and Turkish languages are widespread in Romania.
Major cities: Bucharest, Constanta, Timisoara, Brasov, Iasi, Galati, Craiova, Cluj-Napoca, Ploiesti.
The inhabitants of Romania are of Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism.
Life span
The male population lives on average up to 68, and the female population - up to 76 years.
Romania is in last place among the EU countries in terms of the amount of investments allocated to health care (700 euros per year per person), so the quality of medical services in the country is not at a high level, and there is only 1 doctor per 3000-4000 inhabitants (this is the most low rate among EU countries).
In Romania, there are no activities related to the prevention of various diseases, therefore, most diseases begin to be treated when they develop into serious stages. In addition, patients have to wait for several months in a queue for hospitalization, and treatment lasts much longer than in other European countries, and it is not highly effective.
But, nevertheless, medical tourism is becoming more and more popular in Romania - many come here for anti-aging therapy, as well as for dental and aesthetic surgery services.
Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Romania
Romanians love holidays, especially they like to take part in festivals, fairs and other entertainment events. So, in October, the Wine Festival is celebrated in Romania, in February - the Winter Festival, and in May - the Narcissus Festival, as well as the International Festival of Jazz and Blues.
Going to Romania? Take note of the following information:
- in the country, you cannot take photographs of military structures, bridges and ports, and in order to obtain the right to photograph the interior decoration of churches, palaces and other cultural attractions, you will have to issue a special permit for a fee;
- smoking in public places is prohibited in the country;
- in Romania, it is forbidden to participate and photograph demonstrations (for this one can be arrested);
- before traveling to Romania, it is advisable to get vaccinated against typhoid, encephalitis, rabies.
In memory of Romania, it is worth buying plum liqueur, blouses decorated with cross-stitching using gold and silver threads, carpets, ceramics, unique Romanian cosmetics and drugs that slow down the aging process.