US population

US population
US population
photo: US population
photo: US population

The population of the United States is more than 317 million people (population density is 29 people per 1 km2).

By ethnicity, the population of the United States is represented by:

  • white (63%);
  • Hispanics (16.7%);
  • African American (12.3%);
  • Asians (4.8%);
  • other nationalities (3.2%).

According to statistics, 80% of Americans are from European countries (Italy, Great Britain, Germany), and 12% are African Americans and Hispanics.

Since the number of the indigenous people of the United States, represented by Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts, was constantly decreasing due to the fact that they were exterminated and displaced from the territories conquered by European colonialists, and they also died from various diseases, today only 1.6% of the indigenous population lives in the United States. …

The peoples inhabiting the United States profess various religions: 51% - Protestantism, 23% - Catholicism, 4% - atheism, 1.7% - Judaism. In addition, among the population you can find Buddhists, Islamists and adherents of other religions.

The official language is English, but in everyday life (on the street, at work, at home) people speak more than 300 languages (Russian, Chinese, Spanish, French, German).

Major cities of the USA: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston, San Francisco.

Life span

Life expectancy for men is 75 years on average, and 84 years for women.

Residents of the United States most often suffer from diabetes, lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases (and men are 2 times more likely than women). Abuse of bad habits (smoking, alcohol) also affects life expectancy.

American society suffers greatly from overweight and obesity - more than 34% of the population, including 35% of children, suffer from this disease.

The fact that Americans believe in official medicine is encouraging. So, thanks to the anti-tobacco law adopted in the country, only 19% of the adult population smokes (10 years ago, 25% smoked).

American traditions and customs

Americans love to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends at home: they decorate the house with flowers, put on the table a traditional roast turkey, apples, oranges, nuts, and grapes.

If you are going to America, keep in mind that:

- Americans have a negative attitude towards casual acquaintances and interlocutors;

- In the United States, they do not give way in public transport, do not take off their shoes when entering the premises, do not give gifts when they come to visit someone else's house;

- Smoking in restaurants and in the wrong places is punishable by fines, and drunk driving is a criminal offense;

- Attempts to let a woman go ahead or help her get dressed is regarded as sexual harassment;

- You should refrain from racist jokes.

The United States is a country that is attractive for immigration, since different ethnic groups and peoples are represented in the country, which brought with them interesting customs and culture.
