Shopping in Finland is an integral part of vacation, many tourists go there for this, although shopping in this country cannot be called cheap.
What to buy
- One of the most popular goods that are bought in Finland is children's clothing - it is not blown through, does not get wet, light, warm and comfortable, it is appreciated by mothers for its practicality and durability. The same applies to children's winter shoes - lightweight, warm, does not get wet. It is not cheap, but taking into account discounts and tax free refunds (from 10 to 14%), it is quite acceptable. Chain stores of children's clothing - Nicky and Nelly and BOBO.
- Finnish clothing is also in demand among adults - warm jackets, sporting goods, equipment for skiers and hiking, suits for active sports.
- They also go to Finland to buy new items in electronics, computer technology and various gadgets - they appear a couple of months earlier than in the CIS countries.
- The Finns are very concerned about the quality and ecology of food, so they bring locally produced products from Finland - fish, chocolate, coffee, baby food, caviar.
- If you want to bring alcoholic drinks from Finland, you can be sure that the quality is better than at home, because Finns are very careful about what they eat. Popular drinks include pear or apple cider, Laponia berry liqueur, and Koskenkorva vodka.
Where can I buy
- The largest shopping center in Finland is Stockmann, it was opened back in 1926, there are also chain shopping centers - Forum, Sokos, one of the most popular is Sello in Helsinki, during the winter sales there are meetings with Santa Claus. You can look for fashionable clothes in Dressmann, Halonen, Kekale, during the sales period they are on sale with good discounts. Clothes at affordable prices can also be bought in the four-level Aleksi13 shopping center.
- For groceries and household goods and inexpensive clothes, it is better to go to the chain stores Robingood, Ryatalo, Tarjeustalo, Lidl.
- In Finland, bricks - in literal translation - flea markets are a widespread phenomenon, these are shopping stalls and small shops. Here, you can buy anything you want at low prices, they say, it is best to buy children's clothes there.
Sales in shopping centers in Finland are held twice a year: from late June to September and from December to February.