Description of the attraction
Lake Nauhan is the fifth largest lake in the Philippines, located in the northeastern part of the Eastern Mindoro province. The total area of Lake Nauhan, which is part of the national park of the same name, is about 8125 hectares. On the shores of the lake are the cities of Nauhan, Victoria, Socorro and Pola, and to the north of it is Mount Nauhan. You can get here from Kalapan by bus or car. Distance from Kalapan is only 34 km.
Lake Nauhan National Park was founded in 1956. An incredible number of bird species can be found here, including the Filipino duck, crested duck, Mindoro spotted and royal pigeons, cockatoo, cuckoo, hornbill, ashbird and others. Such a variety of birds makes the lake one of the most important bird regions in the country. From January to March, thousands of migratory birds gather here, and hundreds of tourists and birdwatchers come to watch them. Rare fish species live in the waters of the lake.
The park itself fascinates at first glance with its nature, primarily with the emerald waters of the lake, on the flat shores of which rice is grown. Local residents fish in the lake, and any visitor to the park can do the same. In addition, locals collect scirpus bushes along the shores of the lake, from which they then weave baskets and other utensils. The products of folk crafts can be bought as a souvenir. A thematic excursion can be interesting, during which it is told about the role of Lake Naukhan in the life of people, about their interaction and the protection of the fragile ecosystems of the lake. Such an excursion can be booked at Kalapana or Puerto Galera.