Description of the attraction
The park of the manor "Vybiti" is a natural object, which, in addition to aesthetic and important cultural value. It is located in the village of Vybiti, Soletsky district, Novgorod region. The area of the park is about sixty hectares. The normative act on conferring the status of a monument to the park was adopted by the Novgorod Regional Executive Committee back in 1975.
The history of the park dates back to the nineties of the nineteenth century. Then it belonged to the estate of Boris Alexandrovich Bulatov. Boris Alexandrovich was a like-minded person of P. A. Stolypin. He headed the Ministry of Agriculture and had progressive views on land management. He advocated reclamation work on wetlands, both suitable for cultivation, and in wet forests. Under him, closed and open drainage ditches were used for reclamation. The use of innovative techniques, agricultural machinery and crop rotation made it possible to collect the richest yields of forage and grain crops. But the main commodity of the Vybit farm still remained for a long time fresh milk and valuable acclimatized young breeding stock. An additional impetus under B. A. Bulavin received other industries, such as meadow growing, field cultivation, forestry. A brick factory, a distillery, a sawmill, and a flax factory worked. A steam mill was built. Thus, the production of products was put on an industrial basis. Under B. A. Bulatov, a great educational work was carried out on the territory of the estate. A school was built and operated for the training of one hundred students, which gave a four-year education. A hospital hospital could accept twenty patients, and an outpatient clinic could receive up to a hundred patients.
With the advent of Soviet power in 1918, the estate's land was divided among peasants from nearby villages. In the summer of 1918, the peasant shares were transformed into the state farm "Knock out". The civil war interrupted the peaceful work of the collective farmers; martial law was declared on this territory. And the affairs of the estate and forestry with nurseries deteriorated sharply. Already in 1921 they were abandoned, even the fact that a year earlier, in the spring of 1920, the estate was declared a monument, as a cultural economy, did not help.
In spite of everything, forestry in Vybity has repeatedly aroused interest among scientists. Planting of common spruce, prickly spruce, larch, thuja and a number of others, coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs attracted the attention of scientists and they came to Vybiti to study the methods and types of planting.
There is a lot to see in Vybitsky Park. The plantings were made taking into account the landscape features, the presence of terraces and the steepness of the slopes. This is especially typical for the western and northern parts of the park, where the Koloshka River flows. In the valley part of the park, ponds have been dug, in which springs gush, filling the ponds with water. Particularly attractive is the coastal part of the park, where meadow vegetation is replaced by coniferous-deciduous massifs. These massifs mainly consist of century-old oaks and larch trees. You can also find ash and thuja. The southern part has more open spaces in which trees are represented by groups and alleys. The central part of the park is notable for the presence of stairs and benches, they are built of stone and date back to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The park is currently in decline. The banks of the river are collapsed, the river itself is clogged and in some places looks more like a swamp. Single fallen trees are also found everywhere. The buildings of our era spoil the general view of the park. The so-called wild roads have led to the destruction of lawns.
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