Castle description and photos - Finland: Turku

Castle description and photos - Finland: Turku
Castle description and photos - Finland: Turku

Description of the attraction

The majestic castle, built of gray stone, has witnessed many historical events in the life of the country. This massive castle survived its most splendid time in the middle of the 16th century during the reign of Duke Johan and his wife Katharina Jagiellonica, when Renaissance halls were built. However, the most visited place in the fortress is the prison of Eric XIV. The Castle Church displays a significant collection of medieval wooden sculptures, and the exhibition hall of the attic of the medieval fortress contains objects of decorative and applied art and glassware, porcelain and metal, old toys.

In the frontal part of the Castle there is the Turku History Museum, where the local history of the city is presented with the help of exhibits and models. The expositions of this part of the Castle also include rooms decorated in the styles of different eras, and a cabinet with a collection of coins and medals. Thematic exhibitions are held annually to coincide with significant dates and events. The museum shop sells souvenirs, prints and gifts.

